As it is known Earth is a sphere and there are many ways to transfer of curved surface on a plane, which are called projections. All projections transform original image and only on globe there are no distortions. Meanwhile, there are lines on globe, which can be transferred onto a plane without distortions. These lines are called – orthodromics, they pass through any two points on globe, connecting them by the shortest distance. Great circle divides globe into two equal halves and plane of section passes through center of globe. For Earth equator and all meridians are Great circles. About some properties of lines connecting the most mysterious structures on Earth we told in the article «ORTHDROMICS– LINES OF GREAT CIRCLES». All projections in different ways transform grid on globe in grid on plane. But, if there is no coordinate system, there is no grid, but there are only objects disposed on planet by certain principle how to carry them on plane? In principle, it is very simple. You can take initial point “0” and lay azimuths from it – the directions to objects selecting definite scale for distances. But, there is one very important moment. Due to fact that Earth is globe azimuth from object №1 to object №2, will not be equal to azimuth from object №2 to object №1. For example, azimuth of Great Pyramid line (GP) – Stonehenge is not equal to azimuth of Stonehenge line – GP, and it will be true for all points on globe. In principle, it is very simple. You can take initial point “0” and lay azimuths from it – the directions to objects selecting definite scale for distances. But, there is one very important moment. Due to fact that Earth is globe azimuth from object №1 to object №2, will not be equal to azimuth from object №2 to object №1. For example, azimuth of Great Pyramid line (GP) – Stonehenge is not equal to azimuth of Stonehenge line – GP, and it will be true for all points on globe. On the picture to the left, as point 0 is selected Great Pyramid. From it in scale are built directions to 3 objects – Stonehenge – 1, Teotihuacan – 2 and Tiwanaku – 3 (blue lines). Next, from obtained points were built directions to the same objects. Accordingly, we have received more 3 points from each object and they all correspond to four initial objects. Now from these points, you can build the same or other objects. Therefore, in Nazca the same points in various combinations correspond to different historical objects. |
A similar principle was used for navigation “goat with holes” from genius film of George Danelia – “Kin-Dza-Dza”. |
Now, a little closer for understanding of construction principles in Nazca let us consider another combination of lines starting from the same point.In a large arrow, a top line (30) to which corresponds line of Great Zimbabwe – Nazca (see. the first combination), a bottom line (31) corresponds to azimuth of line Mohenjo-daro (MD) – Lalibela (See. right image below). In real point of MD, relatively to this line according to angles of hexagram settled more azimuths of Tiwanaku, Por-Bajin and Uluru.
If you combine line in Nazca with real azimuth of line MD – Lalibela then extension of line MD – Tiwanaku indicates the exact direction to the central point in another huge trapezoid, which is removed on 4.18 km. (See. Left image). |
We combined a real combination of azimuths in the point of MD with line in Nazca, which coincides with direction of MD – Lalibela. Now, it is clearly seen that direction to Tiwanaku, indicates to the point in one figure, and direction to Por- Bajin to another point in another figure. But, this does not mean at all that these two points represent only Tiwanaku and Por- Bajin. In previous combination we have got one point of Tiwanaku now we have got another one, which for this combination is Tiwanaku and Por- Bajin, and for other cases these points will denote other objects. It will be more clear further. Good. Once Por-Bajin so Por- Bajin (PB). Let us look if there is evidence that in this case, this is point of Por -Bajin, i.e. whether there are to this point (or from this point) directions from other centers. We can not to impose combinations, but to take any direction from point of PB. By analogy with previous case we take direction to Stonehenge. Azimuth of Stonehenge in the point of PB is 312.75 °. We build this line to plateau and see where it indicates and what crosses. On its way line passes through one explicit center in 340 meters from a point in which several lines cross and before mountain ridge rest into angle of one more complex figure, in 1718 m. See. Images below. |
Let us suppose that the first cluster of lines (left image) is Stonehenge, especially, that it has clearly marked points. But, it may be that second point (right image) in the other figures is also Stonehenge, simply it can “work” with other azimuths in other combinations. Now we have to check whether the first point has relation to Stonehenge. The image below shows all combination as a whole from starting point of MD through PB, to Stonehenge. The numbers show real Nazca lines, other lines are directions toward centers in figures corresponding to real Stonehenge azimuths within hundredths of a degree. |
Besides, as we see from Stonehenge come out other two directions to Mohenjo-daro (MD) and plain of Jars in Laos. These directions also indicate to specific points in rectangular trapezoids. Direction to MD passes through intersection of two broad lines, such, that we can them even on such scale and through two points in angles of huge rectangles. Both of these points, in certain cases, can correspond to MD. Generally, Stonehenge and MD have a direct link and together with Great Pyramid (GP) form a system of Giza triangles. So, we can say these objects are “twins and brothers”. It is more interesting with plain of jars. As you can see from the table in the picture line 31 corresponds to two azimuths – MD – Lalibela, from which we repelled and line Stonehenge – plain of jars. From this there is simple derivation- line 31 and line coming out from detected Stonehenge are parallel. The way it is. Line 61, is a real line coming out directly from point corresponding to line of Stonehenge – Lhasa. Line 62 comes out from a small green point beside point of PB and corresponds to azimuth of Lhasa – Stonehenge line. This line passes near to point of Stonehenge, but is connected with it as a little short line (63) parallel to big line passing from it in a few meters and line 00. This line is clearly visible in the image on which node of Stonehenge is shown. As well as in the previous case with point of GZ, this combination of lines and directions we can develop further, starting already from newly obtained points, which, in their turn, produce new points corresponding to real historical objects. Some of these lines you can see on the interactive map at the end of page. |
Let us finish with 1 sector and move to sector 2. |