But back to the coordinate system. As already mentioned, we made a conditional zero Meridian, and all points on the planet got their names-coordinates. In ancient times, they did a little differently. Not only where, but in the geographical center of the Earth, at the 30th latitude, a point was built that marks the zero Meridian – the Great pyramid (GP).
Then, in geometrically correct places from this point, other key objects were built, which set the correct geometric framework. The difference is that we gave and give names to already existing objects, and in ancient times, the necessary points (names) were first defined, and then the necessary objects were built in them.
This approach required significant (in our opinion) initial costs, but gave a huge gain in reliability, simplicity and service life of the navigation system. As you know, even completely destroyed structures still retain their location and orientation, continuing to perform its main function.
It remains to find out what a geometric framework and the correct, in the geometric sense, places are.
For example, the 30th latitude divides the Meridian of the GP according to the angles of the hexagram. The same hexagram belongs to St. Petersburg with its megaliths and incredible structures, which is located at 60th latitude and almost on the Meridian of the GP.
As you know, for any reference system, the latitude values will always remain unchanged. Therefore, if you build an object exactly at a certain latitude corresponding to the angle of a regular geometric shape, then observing this object, you can geometrically link this latitude to the digital frame. For example, the 40th latitude (Hatussa) will correspond to the corner of the 9-gon, and the 54th (Badger log)-the corner of the pentagram.
If you divide the equator by 10 degrees, starting from the Meridian of the GP, i.e., in accordance with the angles of the 9-gon (nonagon), you can get the meridians of several other key points – Teotihuacan, Tiuanaco and Uluru. If you divide by 5 degrees, you get the meridians of Baalbek, Samaipata, and the Koguryo pyramids.
If, in accordance with the 10-degree division of the equator, you build lines that will come from it according to the angle of the pentagram-54 degrees, then, according to the laws of spherical geometry, they will intersect at strictly defined latitudes. The values of these latitudes can be calculated mathematically.
“Quite by chance” these latitudes turned out to be the latitudes of Nan Madola, Angkor, and Teotihuacan in the Northern hemisphere, and the latitudes of Tiuanaco and Sacsayuaman in the southern hemisphere. At the same time, the latitude of Saksayuaman is symmetrical to the latitude of Angkor relative to the equator.
By the way, the presence of a system in the location of ancient structures perfectly explains the cyclopean masonry of Sacsayhuaman. It was necessary to preserve the point, which is located on the top of the hill. To provide it, the base of the hill was strengthened with a powerful polygonal masonry, and the point remains unshakable to this day.