In the beginning of March server Google Earth has updated space pictures in the program with the same name. In higher resolution some areas around Naska desert became accessible also. On Palpa plateau now it is possible to examine well images of humanoid figures and accordingly to define their exact position relatively to other elements and in a southern part of Naska plateau were found geoglives unknown earlier, at least, data about them still are not found.
Man-like figures represented on Palpa and which are known still, as Llipata Figures, found also rather recently are located compactly on slopes of two nearby hills. The sizes of geoglives are relatively insignificant and make up from 10-12 m. to 50-55 m. More detailed information on these figures is on a site
The general position of man-like drawings is shown with green points.
The first group of images, height of drawings is 25 – 30 m.
The second group of images, height of drawings is 20-25 m.
The third group of images, height of drawings is 10-12 m.
The fourth group of images, height of drawings is 50-55 m.
In the south of Naska, plateau in 30 kilometers from the central part of basic complex of images the whole group geoglives representing spirals, the spiroid structures and unknown animal reminding a turtle with feelers and something similar to a jellyfish or satellite have been found.
Spiral 1 ( SB6L28 ). Diameter is 70 m. | The Spiral 2 (SB6L31). Diameter is 60 m. | The Spiral 4 (SB6L29). Diameter is 45 m. |
Spiroid structures.
SB6L32 | SB6L46 | SB6L55 |
SB6L47 |
On drawing lower the top lilac line indicate to the obvious centre in geoglif “Jellyfish” and bottom one indicate to the centre in the neighboring image of the spiroid form (SB6L55).And though this image is badly distinguishable nevertheless it is appreciably that it exists and it is possible even to distinguish its approximate centre.
This geoglyph is well enough visible in whole and is the image of turtle-like beings. It is remarkable that a “shell» of an animal is strictly focused along an axis the North – the South and its head and tail are turned approximately 12 degrees. It is interesting the fact as well of geoglyph location exactly on 15th parallel.
15° 0’0.01″Ю 75° 0’55.49″З | SB6L35 – SB6L41 |
So all group of geoglyphs settles down on the region.
Lilac lines in drawing connect the centers of figures lying on one straight line. The distance between the centre the TURTLE and the centre of spiral 4 is equal to -800 m. and the centre of spiral 2 located on its branch divides the line into two pieces 500 m. and 300м. , I.e. in the ratio 5:3 that approximately corresponds to a golden section.
The second line connecting the centre of spiral 1 with “Jellyfish” is equal to 760 m. and is divided with spiral 2 in the ratio 3:1 i.e. 570 and 190 m. accordingly.
Space pictures Google.
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