Let us consider another combination. In the first sector azimuth of line 38, which is side of rectangular figure with length 360 m, corresponds to line Nan Madol – Uluru. In real point of Nan Madol (NM) relatively to this line, according to hexagram (with rotation on 9° clockwise), settled line NM – Great Pyramid (GP), which is perpendicular to line NM-Uluru and line NM – Teotihuacan
Now combine real azimuths in HM with 38th line in Nazca (See. left image below) and see where the other directions show. Continuation of direction to Teotihuacan gives us direction to a point at the center of sector 1. See. The right image. This line corresponds to real azimuth with an error 0.06.
ЛИНИИ НАСКИ разгадка тайны геоглифов в пустыне Наска, nazca lines, рисунки, азимут, навигация, azimuth, азимут, направление, карта,   навигация, ПОЛЁТНАЯ КАРТА. ЛИНИИ НАСКИ разгадка тайны геоглифов в пустыне Наска, nazca lines, рисунки, азимут, навигация, azimuth, азимут, направление, карта,   навигация, ПОЛЁТНАЯ КАРТА.
But, if line NM – Teotihuacan extend further by precise azimuth 68.62°, it will pass through two clearly marked centers in sector 4, which connects real line in the east of Nazca with the same azimuth.

ЛИНИИ НАСКИ разгадка тайны геоглифов в пустыне Наска, nazca lines, рисунки, азимут, навигация, azimuth, азимут, направление, карта,   навигация, ПОЛЁТНАЯ КАРТА.

Through the first center passes another line, which corresponds to direction Teotihuacan – GP. All of these lines you can see on interactive map at the end of the page.

The line corresponding to direction of NM – GP also indicates to a point in trapezoid, in the north-western part of Nazca. One of sides of trapezoid corresponds to azimuth of line GP – Tiwanaku.

Thus, in this direction we have received two points more “Teotiuakan” and 1 point of GP. This case once again demonstrates that the same points in different combinations correspond to different objects, but are interrelated.

ЛИНИИ НАСКИ разгадка тайны геоглифов в пустыне Наска, nazca lines, рисунки, азимут, навигация, azimuth, азимут, направление, карта,   навигация, ПОЛЁТНАЯ КАРТА.Let us return back to the first point of Teotihuacan received from the point of Nan Madol, which is one of the centers of triple trapeze. In this figure 6 lines coming out of its centers correspond to six directions, coming out from real point – Teotihuacan. This is the direction to Valley of pitchers (06), Por- Bajin (13), Lhasa (14), Easter Island (15), Mohenjo-Daro (16), Tiwanaku (18). And 5 lines come out from one center.
In the article «TEOTIHUACAN HEXAGRAM», we told about that at Teotihuacan angle between azimuths of Tiwanaku and Lhasa, with an accuracy of 0.07 is equal to 30°. Therefore, we can combine hexagram with lines 18 and 14 in Nazca also turning it on 11.5 ° counter-clockwise. In such position and with such scale, it is clearly seen that continuation of “Road of Dead”, which in real Teotihuacan is the direction to MD in Nazca is a line (16), corresponding to this direction. Wherein this pyramid of the moon, from which 4 lines come out is compatible with original point of Teotihuacan received from Nan Madol.

ЛИНИИ НАСКИ разгадка тайны геоглифов в пустыне Наска, nazca lines, рисунки, азимут, навигация, azimuth, азимут, направление, карта,   навигация, ПОЛЁТНАЯ КАРТА.

ЛИНИИ НАСКИ разгадка тайны геоглифов в пустыне Наска, nazca lines, рисунки, азимут, навигация, azimuth, азимут, направление, карта,   навигация, ПОЛЁТНАЯ КАРТА.From this center come out two more lines – 08 and 26, which correspond to two directions to Easter Island (azimuth – 119.00°) and Tiwanaku from the point of Angkor. The angle between the lines is equal to 54°, with an accuracy of 0.7°, and corresponds to pentagram.
In Angkor direction to Tiwanaku is also direction to Great Zimbabwe (GZ), because these objects lie almost on the same line. In its turn direction from Angkor to Easter Island (EI) is also direction to Solomon temple of (ST) with an error of only 0.09 of a degree.

Line 26 corresponds exactly to line of Angkor – EI – ST but line of Angkor – GZ – Tiwanaku with an accuracy of 0.42° and 0.60°, respectively. This is a very big error for lines on Nazca plateau. Therefore, most likely, the line 08 corresponds to direction of BZ – Plain of Jars, which is equal to 65.34°. Especially this point in another combination acts as GZ.

In the first sector azimuth line 32 – 67.23°, with an accuracy of 0.08 correspond to azimuth of line Tiwanaku – EASTER ISLAND (EI) – 247.15° / 67.15°. And is close to angle of octagon 67.50° oriented to the cardinal.
With this line in a real point of Tiwanaku, according to pentagram combine 3 more directions – to Teotihuacan, St. Petersburg and Mohenjo-Daro, which together with Tiwanaku and EI lie on one line.

тиуанако ЛИНИИ НАСКИ разгадка тайны геоглифов в пустыне Наска, nazca lines, рисунки, азимут, навигация, azimuth, азимут, направление, карта,   навигация, ПОЛЁТНАЯ КАРТА.

If you continue line in the direction of Teotihuacan, it will indicate to angle of familiar to us T-shaped trapezoid remoted on 1722 m from Tiwanaku. See. left bottom image. The line passes clearly through other angles of this figure.

Continuation of direction to ST-PETERSBURG indicates to angle of giant needle, which is part of central figure of first sector.

ЛИНИИ НАСКИ разгадка тайны геоглифов в пустыне Наска, nazca lines, рисунки, азимут, навигация, azimuth, азимут, направление, карта,   навигация, ПОЛЁТНАЯ КАРТА. ЛИНИИ НАСКИ разгадка тайны геоглифов в пустыне Наска, nazca lines, рисунки, азимут, навигация, azimuth, азимут, направление, карта,   навигация, ПОЛЁТНАЯ КАРТА.
This is another case when combination of real combination of azimuths in particular historic place together with lines in Nazca, gives direction to clearly marked points in distant figures.
ЛИНИИ НАСКИ разгадка тайны геоглифов в пустыне Наска, nazca lines, рисунки, азимут, навигация, azimuth, азимут, направление, карта,   навигация, ПОЛЁТНАЯ КАРТА. In first sector azimuths at least of eight lines correspond to 8 directions connected with Easter Island (EI). This are lines 64, 12, 15, 19, 20, 22, 24 and 33, which correspond to  directions to following objects – GP, Nazca, Stonehenge, island of Faith, St. Petersburg, Sigiriya, Mecca and Por- Bajyn.
In an article “EASTER ISLAND. HEXAGRAM “we told about that when you turn hexagram on 15° clockwise, its angle – 30° coincides with angle between directions of EI – Nazca – GP (64) and GP – Stonehenge (12), which is equal to 31.17°.
If you start from the angle of 30°, the error will be – 1.17°, but if you impose combination on real lines in Nazca, then error will practically disappear. Azimuths of lines with an accuracy of a few hundredth correspond to real directions from EI to GP, Nazca and Stonehenge. Line 24 also corresponds to azimuth of the line EI – Stonehenge and therefore it is parallel to line 12.

Thus, intersection of lines on side of trapezoid gives us two more points, which can denote a point “EI”. Now it is possible to develop combination on basis of newly obtained points.

ЛИНИИ НАСКИ разгадка тайны геоглифов в пустыне Наска, nazca lines, рисунки, азимут, навигация, azimuth, азимут, направление, карта,   навигация, ПОЛЁТНАЯ КАРТА.In the same part of 1 sector line EI-GP-NAZCA forms another combination with the direction to Mecca and Nan Madol, which lie also almost on the same line.
The angle between these lines is close to 20° and corresponds to nonagon, which is turned on 4.5° counter-clockwise.

By direction to Nan Madol, for this combination, in Nazca there is a real line, which has azimuth 274.85°. Thus, for direction to Nan Madol error is 0.2 and for direction to antipode of Mecca – 0.14°.

More details can all be considered on an interactive map at the bottom of the page.

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