геоглифы на плато НаскаNow that we have made sure that the mutual arrangement of historical objects is based on geometric principles, we can go to the Nazca , and also make sure that the mutual arrangement of lines, centers, and shapes is based on the same geometric principles based on the angles of regular geometric shapes.

In more detail, this is described in the previous articles of this section, so repeat, there is no sense. Let us briefly focus only on the main points.

So, what are geoglyphs in the Nazca desert? First of all, these are designated centers, geometric shapes, and lines that connect many elements. If you try to explain their purpose in a nutshell, the centers are specific objects on the Earth’s surface, and the sides of the figures and most of the lines are azimuths, i.e. the directions between objects. This is, of course, a very approximate, but generally correct definition, because there are many features and the General principle is not yet fully understood.

Let’s look at what this statement is based on, and what in General can be a proof of belonging to the geoglyphs of Nazca to the activities of another civilization.

If the Nazca desert is a map with the location of specific objects on the surface of the Earth, then the same patterns in the location of elements should be detected EN masse. This is true, of course, but the problem is that there are thousands of points in Nazca, and there are no fewer real objects on Earth. Therefore, there will always be matches, and sorting through the options will take a lot of time. Therefore, this method is not suitable. We need a certain logic within which specific patterns will be predicted and detected.

This, by the way, also applies to patterns in the location of real ancient objects on The earth’s surface. Objects – a huge number, and if you want, you can always find certain patterns in their location.

Therefore, in the course of many years of research, key SDMS objects were identified, of which there are a little more than 10, and all further measurements were made only in relation to them. Gradually, General patterns and principles of mutual location of objects were revealed, which were also true for Nazca geoglyphs.

If real objects of the system are depicted in the Mask, then the key objects must be displayed in any case, and not just be, but clearly stand out from the General background.

The site has a database that contains all azimuths and distances between key points in the system. It remained to measure the azimuths of the largest lines and figures, and compare them with the real azimuths between objects. The result exceeded all expectations. Dozens of matches were found, and with very high accuracy. Below is one of the tables that shows lines in Nazca that match the actual directions between historical structures.

       азимуты линий в Наске
The image shows some Nazca lines corresponding to the directions between the real key points of the SАMS.

Moreover, there were also confirmations from the other side. There is a very interesting feature in the location of key SАMS objects, when different pairs of objects have the same azimuths between them. This can be clearly seen in the database when the same azimuth corresponds to several directions between historical objects. For example, if you stand on the great pyramid and look at Stonehenge, it’s like standing in Tiwanaku and looking at Teotihuacan, or being in Uluru and looking at Stonehenge. All of this will be the same direction with the same azimuth value.

Such cases are far from isolated. For example, if you look from the VP to Angkor, it is like looking from Stonehenge to Mohenjo-Daro, or from Uluru to Teotihuacan, or from Kailas to Mecca. If you stand on the EAP and look at Easter island, it’s like standing in Stonehenge and also looking at Easter island. This means that Easter island, Stonehenge, and the Great pyramid have a unique mutual location, selected by latitude and distance so that the azimuths at these points on the same object have the same value.

азимут одной конкретной линии
The image shows some Nazca lines corresponding to the directions between the real key points of the SАMS.
The same thing happened on the Nazca plateau. As a rule, the azimuth of one particular line corresponded to the azimuth between several pairs of real objects. That is, the same line can correspond to different pairs of structures. This fact explains another feature of the Nazca geoglyphs, which is that many groups of geoglyphs are superimposed on one another, as if forming layers.

This is explained by the fact that over time, geoglyphs were drawn. And, most likely, it is. As new real objects were built on Earth, the map was also drawn. But it may be the other way around, new objects were built in places already marked on the map in the Nazca desert. Thus, Nazca geoglyphs can be both a map and a Land development project.

There is another point that perfectly explains the layering. Since the Earth is a ball, it is not displayed on the plane without distortion. Therefore, different layers can be separate maps linked to different points. Then, just by changing the focus, which we will talk about later, you can get different maps for different areas of the area. In this case, the same point on different maps can represent different objects. Conversely, several different points on different maps can represent the same object.

This fact, although it confirmed the real state of things, but again caused multiple solutions. Therefore, the task had to be further complicated in order to completely eliminate randomness.

Let’s say that we have a center A in Nazca, from which several lines originate, and one of them connects it to the center B. we determine that the azimuth of this line corresponds to the azimuth, for example, between the GP and Easter Island (EI). Then point B will be-EI. From point B, there are also several lines that connect it to other centers. We determine that one of these lines corresponds, for example, to the azimuth between EI and Nan Madol (NM). The presence of such a line, in itself, will already be proof, but we will go further.

ЛИНИИ НАСКИ – модели углов
If a line originating from point B, corresponding to the EI-NM line, connects point B to point B, then point B-will be Nan Madol. Now, if at point B we find a line connecting it to point A, and its azimuth will correspond to the real azimuth between GP and NM, i.e. between points A and B, then we will close the circle, this will be 100% proof, because there are no such accidents. (combination 1)

As you have already understood, such combinations were found, not one, not two, but dozens. Chains of 12 to 15 points were found, with azimuths between them corresponding to real azimuths between real objects on Earth. In a word, randomness is completely excluded.

объекты в Наске

Another clear proof that the geoglyphs in the Nazca desert are a flight map with the location of real objects is the correspondence of the azimuths of many lines to the angles of regular figures counted from the direction to the North. (combination of 3)

This means that there are a huge number of lines whose azimuth is exactly equal to 30°, 60°, 40°, 45°, 80°, 36°, 72°, 100°, 108° and this is not just a coincidence, because there are a lot of such lines. These lines, using regular geometric shapes, allow you to determine the location of the cardinal directions with very high accuracy, i.e. to Orient the map in space, which is a prerequisite for any map.

We see the same picture in reality. Everyone knows that there are a huge number of real objects that are precisely oriented to the cardinal directions, i.e. on the North-South axis.  But few people know that there are even more historical structures whose orientation exactly corresponds to the angles of regular geometric shapes, all the same 30°, 60°, 40°, 45°, 80°, 36°, 72°, 100°, 108° on the topic of orientations of historical objects on the site there are many materials.

In addition, there are cases when the direction from one navigation object to another object also corresponds to the angles of regular geometric shapes, again – 30°, 60°, 40°, 45°, 80°, 36°, 72°, 100°, 108° Therefore, lines of geoglyphs whose azimuths correspond to the correct angles can not only Orient the map, but also indicate the directions between real pairs of objects.

геометрические направление в Наске
Another characteristic feature of the mutual location of many historical objects is the correspondence of angles between directions, angles of regular geometric shapes, i.e. the same 30°, 60°, 40°, 45°, 80°, 36°, 72°, 100°, 108° this means that, for example, at point A, the angle between the directions to points B and C is equal to, for example, 60°, i.e. corresponds to the angle of the hexagram. In reality, it looks like this: for Example, at the Svetitskhoveli point, the angle between the directions to Tiwanako and Stonehenge is 30°. At the Nan Madol point, the angle between the directions to Teotihuacan and Uluru is 120° , etc.
We see the same situation in the Nazca desert. There are a huge number of cases when the angle between two lines exactly corresponds to the angle of a regular geometric shape.

Now, for clarity, let’s look at one of the most obvious examples of matching lines on the Nazca plateau to real directions between objects. The image below shows the Central part of the Nazca plateau with the largest number of large shapes, lines, and other elements. Directly through this group of geoglyphs runs the line connecting the Great Pyramid of Giza with Easter Island.

On a real map oriented along the North-South axis, colored lines show real lines in the Nazca desert and are signed with the values of their azimuths in the forward and reverse direction, which can be checked in the image editor or in GE.

The tables below show the actual azimuths between real objects on Earth corresponding to these lines. Azimuths of numbered directions 01, 02, 03 connecting the centers are also shown in the tables.

So, the GP-EI line passes through this group of elements. At this point, the azimuth on the GP will have a value of 63.11°, respectively, on the EI-243.11°. Among the elements shown, this value corresponds to the azimuth of the side of one of the figures-S01-00 value-62.83°/ 242.83°. Also, the azimuth of this side corresponds to the azimuths between the GP and Nan Madol and between the GP and Tiwanako. Thus, this side is in any case connected with the great pyramid, and the line can denote any of these directions. But the most accurate side corresponds to the direction from Tiwanako to the GP.

The azimuth from the EI to GP is equal to 75.72°. It corresponds to the line S01-64 with an azimuth of 75.71°/ 255.71°.

Line 01, connecting the centers in two huge trapezoids (in reality, this line is not) has an azimuth of 84.60°/264.60°. The azimuth from the GP to the EI, and since the GP, EI, and Nazca lie on the same line, then directly to this point, has a value of 264.85° and corresponds to this line. Also, lines 01 correspond to several more azimuths between real objects. From Stonehenge to EI-264.82°, from EI to Mohenjo-Daro -84.25° and from Nan Madola to Sigiriya-84.79°.

The green line-S01-12 has an azimuth of 44.60° and corresponds to the direction from EI to Stonehenge-44.54°.

Thus, most of the listed options are associated with the GP and EI, and with the line that connects these objects and passes directly through this point. In theory, this combination can be used to decipher the entire system of geoglyphs.

In General, there is almost no doubt that the Nazca geoglyphs are a flight map with the location of real objects, as well as that it can be deciphered. Yes, this is a long and painstaking work that can only be done by joint efforts, but perhaps this is the only way to mathematically prove the activity of an unknown civilization on our planet.

Continuation …

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