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Signs with their harmonious and correct curves are reproduced in the huge sizes so as if they are parts of the big circle with the set radius and the centre, which exact location has been carefully calculated.
Maria Rajhe.
The well-known figure of nine paw monkey, geoglyph in desert Naska, is a riddle for science and a masterpiece of ancient art. Drawing to create which is difficult enough, represents difficultly solvable puzzle.
Simple and elegant geometrical decisions, are imperceptible at first sight, simply because drawing consists of two components combined in the general design, and it is perceived, as a single whole. The first part is a pentagram precisely given with drawing lines, the second is squares in which all image is entered. A square influences to all structure of drawing, and its party precisely are orientated on parts of the world.
The first who paid attention to geometrical laws in drawing of a monkey was Maria Rajhe, the scientist and angel the keeper of Naska geogives Naski. She learnt about the huge figure in desert from pilots in 1952, in some years after the arrival to Naska. The monkey became one of her most favourite figures to which she attached special significance:
“The monkey and figures surrounding it will be the subject of special research, as a single whole. This drawing consists no more than of two elements. One of them is the wide line, in the length almost about mile which being gradually narrowed leads to labyrinth of lines on the brink of Pampas. Another one is zigzag lines bending around a contour of drawing ». – Maria Rajhe said.
From the first sight it is clear that the geoglyph is not a simple scribble, and accurate comprehended an image bearing the certain information.
In drawing of the monkey two long lines form the H-shaped form. An axis of symmetry, tracing through the point of intersection Х, co-operates with other elements of figure and passes precisely between feet of the monkey. All these circumstances say about reasonable orientation of drawing.
The angle between lines, with the big accuracy makes 36 °, i.e. 1/10 of circles. Thus, if to multiply drawing of the monkey relatively the point Х, a remarkable round dance from 10 monkeys holding each other for the belt will turn out. In this round dance the centre of the spiral of a tail of the previous monkey coincides with the centre of a head of the following monkey, as if forming around, certain radio field.
Effect is simply amazing.
As far as 36 ° it is an internal ange at pentagram top, it is possible to execute following the constructions.
Almost parallel sixteen lines forming a zigzag pattern to the right of drawing of the monkey are stopped with other line at the angle 60 °. This circumstance allows to construct equipotential triangles which excellently interact with the central pentagram of the monkey.
One more proof of that the angle between lines is equal to 36 ° and is connected with drawing, following construction from 5 monkeys, in which the centre of symmetry is the centre of a circle describing a pentagram can serve. And in this case round dance has repeated. Hands, feet and heads, all has intertwined together. Each of monkeys with nits hands compresses a head of the neigbour one with one foot compresses a head of opposite monkey and with other foot holds for the tail one more monkey. This composition causes the double sensations. If to assume that drawing symbolises 5 races of mankind what are they doind? Are they going to remove each other necks, or embrace stillshowing the unity?
If from a dark blue five-pointed star in the drawing centre to construct a yellow circle, as is shown in the image lower, and inside of it one more pentagram it will appear that this composition perfectly interacts with separate parts of a body of a monkey.
This is one more experimental construction, orientated along the axis south-north.
All drawing of the monkey is entered in rectangle formed with 24 squares and orientated on the parts of the world. Parts of the monkeys body are intelligently located concerning the sides and angles of square and the centre of symmetry of all composition is located on a backbone.
Here are some more “square” constructions.
he laws which were found in the image of the monkey, cannot be casual and once again say that geoglyves of Naska it not a chaotic heap of figures and lines but the drawing bearing a certain information sense.
Prepared by GeoLines.ru on materials vejprty.com