Now let us look at the lines in the center of Nazca plateau in their constellation. The result of measuring azimuth lines connecting 24 the most mysterious structures on Earth became table of azimuths (see. Article «AZIMUTHS OF HISTORICAL OBJECTS AND DISTANCES BETWEEN THEM»), in which immediately were found very interesting laws. It turned out that some values of azimuths for certain pairs of historical objects accurately coincide with azimuths from other pairs of objects. Close azimuths in table are shown with the same color and print. Since almost all the table is colorful you may guess that most values have pair. Sometimes these values ??are 3 or more. What this means in reality it can be explained as follows. For example, if you stand on Great Pyramid (GP) and look at Stonehenge, it would be like to stand in the Tiwanaku and look at Teotihuacan. Or stand on Uluru and look at Stonehenge. If view from GP to Angkor, it is like watching from Stonehenge to Mohenjo-Daro, or Uluru look at Teotihuacan, or Kailasa to Mecca. On island of Faith, such meaning of azimuth will put you face to Por- Bajin and back to Vatican. If you stand on GP and look at Easter Island, it is like standing at Stonehenge and also look at Easter Island. This means that Great Pyramid and Stonehendge have a unique relative position chosen with latitude and distances so that azimuths in these points to the same object have the same value. This relative position of three the most famous ancient megalithic structures, cannot be accidental. As we shall see later, this circumstance with coincidence of azimuths is very important for understanding of constructions logic in the Nazca desert. We now turn directly to measurements of azimuth lines on Nazca Plateau and shall seek compliance to them among real azimuths between specific historical objects listed in the table. As you know, geoglyphs in Nazca consist not only of lines but also of geometric figures resembling rectangles, arrows, or trapezoids of different shapes. These figures, in the most cases, just interconnected between them with lines. For researching it was chosen the central part of Nazca, where there is the greatest concentration of lines and figures, which in its turn had to be divided into several relative sectors, corresponding the largest geometric centers. On the image below are shown with different colors the largest and clear lines on Nazca. All of them correspond to specific azimuths between concrete historical constructions, as mentioned earlier in this article. In most cases, the accuracy of compliance is a few hundredths, a few tenths less. But, since, as discussed above, many pairs of azimuths are close in value the same line can correspond to several specific directions. Therefore, along with the closest of azimuth, discharged other azimuths, albeit with greater accuracy. |
The picture on the right shows one of large geometric centers the labeled – S01. We begin our research with it. But first, a few words must be said about accuracy of measurement. If in table in determining close azimuths between historical objects, values ??were taken rather approximately with a difference of 0.6 – 0.7 degrees then with Nazca lines it won’t work. Inaccuracy in a few tenths already obviously takes away line in another direction. Azimuth of line in Nazca desert, with help of Google Earth is determined with accuracy of about 0.03 ° to 0.1 ° -0.15 °. Errors are made up of many factors, beginning from precision of pictures binding and ending with method of coordinate calculation. But in any case, the error will not exceed 0.1 – 0.2 degrees. If azimuth of line is, for example, – 38.46 °, then azimuth of 38.83 ° will already clearly differ from it. Therefore, coinciding were recognized azimuths within this particular error. But in reality, as we will see hereinafter, the error of matching lines to real directions does not exceed 0.1 °, and is typically a few hundredths i.e. within accuracy of photographs binding. The image below shows 1 sector with marked in different color and numbered lines. Are shown the largest and clearly visible line. All of them correspond to a specific azimuths between real historical objects. In fact, lines are traced much more and they can be seen on the interactive map at the end of the page or in Google Earth, by downloading the entire file. |
In the table on the top stitch is shown in bold number and true azimuth”s meaning of particular lines in Nazca, but below close to it azimuths between real objects. |
LINES T01-01 AZIMUTH – 76.66 / 256.66 | LINES T01-02 AZIMUTH – 75.30 / 255.30 | LINES T01-03 AZIMUTH – 63.07 / 243.07 |
GP – SAMAIPATA 256.39 / 76.39 Lalibela – Tiwanaku 256.58 / 76.58 |
Great Pyramid – KAILASH 75.27 / 255.27 KAILASH – Mohenjo-Daro 75.29 / 255.29 |
NAZCA – EASTER ISLAND – 243.11 / 63.11 Great Pyramid – Nan Madol 63.00 / 243.00 Tiwanaku – Great Pyramid 62.89 / 242.89 Great Pyramid – Chinese pyramids 63.53 / 243.53 |
LINES T01-04 AZIMUTH – 63.11 / 243.11 | LINES T01-05 AZIMUTH – 61.07 / 241.07 | LINES T01-06 AZIMUTH – 149.83 329.83 / 329.83 |
NAZCA – GREAT PYRAMID 63.00 / 243.00 Great Pyramid – Nan Madol 63.00 / 243.00 Tiwanaku – Great Pyramid 62.89 / 242.89 Great Pyramid – Chinese pyramids 63.53 / 243.53 |
SAMAIPATA – KAILASH 61.04 / 241.04 SAMAIPATA – Solomon temple 61.35 / 241.35 NAZCA – Solomon temple 61.41 / 241.41 |
Por-Bajin – ULURU 149.59 / 329.59 TEOTIHUACAN – Plain of Jars 329.84 / 149.84 |
LINES T01-07 AZIMUTH – 113.96 / 293.96 | LINES T01-08 AZIMUTH – 65.30 / 245.30 | LINES T01-09 AZIMUTH – 41.07 / 221.07 |
MECCA – ULURU 113.43 / 293.43 NAZCA – Great Zimbabwe 113.98 / 293.96 Vera Island Megaliths – Tiwanaku 293.75 / 113.75 |
Great Zimbabwe – Plain of Jars 65.34 / 245.34 Great Zimbabwe – SIGIRIYA 65.10 / 245.10 ANGKOR – Great Zimbabwe 245.90 / 65.90 ANGKOR – Tiwanaku 245.72 / 65.72 SOLOMON TEMPLE – Nan Madol 65.05 / 245.05 Baalbek – Nan Madol 64.88 / 244.88 |
Mohenjo-Daro – Great Zimbabwe 221.07 / 41.07 |
LINES T01-10 AZIMUTH – 40.70 / 220.70 | LINES T01-11 AZIMUTH – 69.50 / 249.50 | LINES T01-12 AZIMUTH – 44.60 / 224.60 |
Great Zimbabwe – Easter Island 220.55 / 40.55 | Nan Madol – Great Zimbabwe 249.67 / 69.67 KAILASH – Easter Island 69.63 / 249.63 Stonehenge – ANGKOR 69.47 / 249.47 SAMAIPATA – Mohenjo-Daro 69.21 / 249.21 SAMAIPATA – Easter Island 249.43 / 69.43 |
Great Zimbabwe – KAILASH 44.42 / 224.42 Easter Island – Stonehenge 44.54 / 224.54 |
LINES T01-13 AZIMUTH – 169.25 / 349.25 | LINES T01-14 AZIMUTH – 168.78 / 348.73 | LINES T01-15 AZIMUTH – 12.55 / 192.55 |
ULURU – Great Zimbabwe^ 349.37 / 169.37 TEOTIHUACAN – Por-Bajin 349.24 / 169.24 Por-Bajin – ANGKOR 169.63 / 349.63 Baalbek – Great Zimbabwe^ 349.77 / 169.77 SOLOMON TEMPLE – Lalibela 169.09 / 349.09 |
ANGKOR – Great Zimbabwe^ 348.14 / 168.14 USHTOGAY SQUARE – Easter Island 348.30 / 168.30 SPB – Baalbek 168.90 / 348.90 SPB – Lalibela 168.55 / 348.55 TEOTIHUACAN – LHASA 348.73 / 168.73 |
Easter Island – Vera Island 12.50 / 192.50 TEOTIHUACAN – Easter Island 192.63 / 12.63 Great Zimbabwe – Mecca 12.28 / 192.28 TEOTIHUACAN – Great Zimbabwe^ 12.66 / 192.66 TEOTIHUACAN – Vera Island 12.20 / 192.20 Great Zimbabwe – PERM 12.39 / 192.39 Mecca – Great Zimbabwe 192.37 / 12.37 LHASA – TEOTIHUACAN 12.23 / 192.23 |
LINES T01-16 AZIMUTH – 15.40 / 195.40 | LINES T01-17 AZIMUTH – 156.70 / 336.70 | LINES T01-18 AZIMUTH – 138.70 / 318.70 |
Easter Island – PERM 15.45 / 195.45 TEOTIHUACAN – Mohenjo-Daro 15.46 / 195.46 |
Por-Bajin – Tiwanaku 336.78 / 156.78 Nan Madol – SPB 336.23 / 156.23 |
ULURU – Stonehenge 318.62 / 138.62 TEOTIHUACAN – Tiwanaku 138.66 / 318.66 |
LINES T01-19 AZIMUTH – 94.85 / 274.85 | LINES T01-20 AZIMUTH – 28.50 / 208.50 | LINES T01-21 AZIMUTH – 157.17 / 337.17 |
Easter Island – Mecca 94.71 / 274.71 SPB – ULURU 94.44 / 274.44 |
Easter Island – SPB 28.53 / 208.53 Easter Island – SIGIRIYA 208.40 / 28.40 |
Great Pyramid – Tiwanaku^ 337.30 / 157.30 SOLOMON TEMPLE – Mecca 157.30 / 337.30 Great Zimbabwe – Menorca 337.60 / 157.60 |
LINES T01-22 AZIMUTH – 146.60 / 326.60 | LINES T01-23 AZIMUTH – 51.08 / 231.08 | LINES T01-24 AZIMUTH – 44.54 / 224.54 |
Easter Island – Por-Bajin 326.40 / 146.40 ULURU – SPB 326.48 / 146.48 ULURU – Vera Island Megaliths 326.67 / 146.67 |
Vera Island – Great Pyramid 231.17 / 51.17 Tiwanaku – LHASA 51.13 / 231.13 |
Easter Island – Stonehenge 44.54 / 224.54 Great Zimbabwe – KAILASH 44.42 / 224.42 |
LINES T01-25 AZIMUTH – 156.75 / 336.75 | LINES T01-26 AZIMUTH – 119.00 / 299.00 | LINES T01-27 AZIMUTH – 137.85 / 317.85 |
Por-Bajin – Tiwanaku 336.78 / 156.78 | ANGKOR – Easter Island 119.00 / 299.00 ANGKOR – Solomon temple 299.09 / 119.09 |
LHASA – Stonehenge 317.90 / 137.90 |
LINES T01-28 AZIMUTH – 85.66 / 265.66 | LINES T01-29 AZIMUTH – 48.44 / 228.44 | LINES T01-30 AZIMUTH – 70.30 / 250.30 |
KAILASH – Mecca 85.64 / 265.64 Baalbek – Plain of Jars 85.43 / 265.43 |
SOLOMON TEMPLE – Por-Bajin 48.24 / 228.24 NAZCA – Vatican City 48.67 / 228.67 ANGKOR – Asuka stones 48.36 / 228.36 |
Great Zimbabwe – Nazca 250.41 / 70.41 KAILASH – Asuka stones 70.50 / 250.50 |
LINES T01-31 AZIMUTH – 66.30 / 246.30 | LINES T01-32 AZIMUTH – 67.29 / 247.29 | LINES T01-33 AZIMUTH – 146.50 / 326.50 |
Stonehenge – Plain of Jars 66.38 / 246.38 Mohenjo-Daro – Lalibela 246.46 / 66.46 |
ULURU – Great Zimbabwe 247.45 / 67.45 Tiwanaku – Mohenjo-Daro 67.21 / 247.21 Tiwanaku – Easter Island 247.15 / 67.15 Baalbek – Chinese pyramids 67.39 / 247.39 |
Easter Island – Por-Bajin 326.40 / 146.40 ULURU – SPB 326.48 / 146.48 ULURU – Vera Island Megaliths 326.67 / 146.67 |
LINES T01-34 AZIMUTH – 149.90 / 329.90 | LINES T01-35 AZIMUTH – 163.50 / 343.50 | LINES T01-36 AZIMUTH – 69.84 / 349.84 |
SIGIRIYA ROCK – Mohenjo-Daro 329.87 / 149.87 TEOTIHUACAN – Plain of Jars 329.84 / 149.84 |
Mohenjo-Daro – TEOTIHUACAN 343.59 / 163.59 | SIGIRIYA ROCK – SAMAIPATA 249.87 / 69.87 Nan Madol – Great Zimbabwe 249.67 / 69.67 KAILASH – Easter Island 69.63 / 249.63 |
LINES T01-37 AZIMUTH – 65.13 / 245.13 | LINES T01-38 AZIMUTH – 38.59 / 218.59 | LINES T01-39 AZIMUTH – 166.60 / 346,60 |
Great Zimbabwe – Plain of Jars 65.34 / 245.34 Great Zimbabwe – SIGIRIYA 65.10 / 245.10 ANGKOR – Great Zimbabwe 245.90 / 65.90 SOLOMON TEMPLE – Nan Madol 65.05 / 245.05 Baalbek – Nan Madol 64.88 / 244.88 |
USHTOGAY SQUARE – Lalibela 218.31 / 38.31 ANGKOR – NAZCA 218.36 / 218.36 Great Zimbabwe – Mohenjo-Daro 38.48 / 218.48 Nan Madol – ULURU 218.62 / 38.52 |
МЕККА – Baalbek 346,52 / 166.52 Mohenjo-Daro – PERM 346,69 / 166.69 Mohenjo-Daro – Great Zimbabwe^ 346,70 / 166.70 |
LINES T01-40 AZIMUTH – 75.29 / 255.29 | LINES T01-41 AZIMUTH – 70.50 / 250.50 | LINES T01-42 AZIMUTH – 58.95 / 238.95 |
Great Pyramid – KAILASH 75.27 / 255.27 KAILASH – Mohenjo-daro 75.29 / 255.29 Easter Island – Great Pyramid – Nazca 75.71 / 255.71 |
Great Zimbabwe – Nazca 250.41 / 70.41 KAILASH – Asuka stones 70.50 / 250.50 |
NAZCA – Baalbek 58.98 / 238.98 Stonehenge – Vera Island 58.84 / 238.84 |
LINES T01-43 AZIMUTH – 55.04 / 235.04 | LINES T01-44 AZIMUTH – 60.00 / 240.00 HEXAGRAM | LINES T01-45 AZIMUTH – 63.12 / 243.12 |
Stonehenge – PERM 55.14 / 235.14 Lalibela – Asuka stones 54.97 / 234.97 |
Great Zimbabwe – Asuka stones 60.13 / 240.13 Por-Bajin – Great Zimbabwe 239.35 / 59.35 |
NAZCA – EASTER ISLAND-243.11 / 63.11 Great Pyramid – Nan Madol 63.00 / 243.00 Tiwanaku – Great Pyramid 62.89 / 242.89 Great Pyramid – Chinese pyramids 63.53 / 243.53 |
LINES T01-46 AZIMUTH – 48.40 / 228.40 | LINES T01-47 AZIMUTH – 62.81 / 242.81 | LINES T01-48 AZIMUTH – 63.10 / 243.10 |
SOLOMON TEMPLE – Por-Bajin 48.24 / 228.24 NAZCA – Vatican City 48.67 / 228.67 ANGKOR – Asuka stones 48.36 / 228.36 TEOTIHUACAN – Menorca 48.40 / 228.40 |
Tiwanaku – Great Pyramid 62.89 / 242.89 SAMAIPATA – Great Pyramid 62.39 / 242.39 USHTOGAY SQUARE – Baalbek 242.70 / 62.70 |
NAZCA – EASTER ISLAND-243.11 / 63.11 Great Pyramid – Nan Madol 63.00 / 243.00 Tiwanaku – Great Pyramid 62.89 / 242.89 Great Pyramid – Chinese pyramids 63.53 / 243.53 |
LINES S01-64 AZIMUTH – 75.72 / 255.72 | ||
Easter Island – Great Pyramid – Nazca 75.71 / 255.71 | ||
In this sector, the lines numbered 03 and 04 correspond to upper side of right rectangular branch of big figure, with azimuth of 63.07 °. This line, with accuracy in hundredth, correspond to famous line of Easter Island – Nazca – The Great Pyramid, that is, these are accurate directions to GP and Easter Island from Nazca. The same azimuth have lines 45 and 48, i.e. they are parallel. Furthermore, this is azimuth of following lines; GP – Nan Madol (63.00°), Tiwanaku – GP (62.89°) and GP – The Chinese Pyramids (63.53°). Line 64 corresponds to the same line, only azimuth is taken from Easter Island. I.e this direction from Easter Island to GP and Nazca. This line is the southern side of a huge rectangular figure, the northern side of which is line 02. Understanding how can be arranged system of lines on Nazca plateau, comes gradually, as careful study of combinations that they form. So while, for the sake of simplicity let us turn to statistics. From 48 lines traced in the first sector, 23 are related to Great Zimbabwe, which also lies on meridian of GP, 19 have relation to Easter island, 9 have relation to GP. 9 to Uluru. Teotihuacan is mentioned 11 times, 10 times Kailash, which lies on meridian of Teotihuacan, Angkor 9 times. 9 lines can relate to Nan Madol and 11 to Mohenjo-daro. Thus, we see that in one same sector, as are mixed directions to the same objects. But, even from statistics, we can assume that 1 sector ha\s relation to Great Zimbabwe, Easter Island and GP. In this sector 8 lines, accurately correspond to real direction coming out of from Great Zimbabwe (GZ). This direction to Sigiriya (37), Kailash (12), Easter Island (10), Mecca (15), Nazca (30) Asuka Park (44), Mohenjo-daro (38) and the Plain of Jars (08). Brackets show number of lines in sector. Now let us turn to real directions in GZ, which form right angles corresponding hexagram. In the first place we will see that azimuth of Park Asuka in Japan – 60.13 °, correspond to hexagram oriented to the cardinal. Turning hexagram on 10.5 ° clockwise, we will find that angle between azimuths on Nazca line and Easter Island, with accuracy up to hundredths is, equal to 30 ° and also corresponds to hexagram. It turned out that in 1 sector there are lines corresponding to these directions these are lines 10 and 30, which are sides of two large arrows and in this case intersect. So having put on intersection real image point GZ with azimuths we will obtain precise alignment of directions on Nazca lines and Easter Island, with Nazca lines in the desert. |
As we see in the image, in this combination participate direction on Stonehendge which is perpendicular to azimuth of Nazca. If you extend this line further, along azimuth 339.63 °, then it will indicate precisely on angle in a huge trapezoid, where there is a corresponding point, remote on 1.5 km. Continuing of this line in opposite direction, i.e. on supposed antipode of Stonehenge, also point on several large centers in the south of Nazca, which are already removed on13 km from the starting point. We can say that for lines of Nazca this is a typical situation when imposition of real combination of azimuths in a particular historical point, gives direction to clearly marked center elsewhere in the desert. To point “Stonehenge”, we will come back and will try to look for evidence to that assumed point of GZ is such for a given combination. The image below shows directions, which correspond to real azimuths in point Great Zimbabwe, built from starting point. |
Number 30 shows starting line GZ – Nazca and purple color line 10, continuation of which points to a point in other trapeze. So it should be. Since azimuth from GZ to Easter Island (EI) is 220.55 °, then direction should be toward southwest. Therefore, for this combination the given point represents EI. Here we simpliciter meet with one important principle by which system of NAZCA lines is built. The gist of it is that the same points are centers in Nazca, for different combinations represent different objects. In this is beauty and genius of constructions. For this point of GZ, a point in trapezoid along azimuth 220.55 ° will be EI, and a point in other trapezoid along azimuth 339.63 ° will be Stonehenge. If from point of GZ build a line along azimuth 38.48 °, which corresponds to direction to Mohenjo-daro (MD), it will point to the closest center in the same trapeze. Accordingly, this point for this combination will be denoted MD. Also from point GZ there is direction to Angkor, which is indicated with a point in another trapeze situated along azimuth 71.17 °. Line 49 is real line in Nazca, coming out from this point, which with accuracy up to hundredths corresponds line Angkor – Tiwanaku. Azimuth of this line is equal to 245.72 °, so for right solution, center of “Angkor”, should be Tiwanaku and other end of this line Angkor. But if we assume that this is direction from Angkor to antipode of Tiwanaku, then everything is correct. Moreover direction from a point located in other well-known T-shaped figure, exactly corresponds to the azimuth of lines Tiwanaku – GZ, which is equal to – 112.16 °. Therefore, in this case this point corresponds to point of Tiwanaku. There is also a direction to GZ from other large center, which corresponds to azimuth of lines Lhasa – GZ (236.83 °). Light – green line going to the south, shows direction to antipodes of Stonehenge. Thus, starting from initial, specific line and a point, which we designated as GZ were obtained others very real points in Nazca, corresponding to specific historical objects. This combination can be further developed on basis of new points. For example, if a point in T-shape figure, received from GZ, to take as Tiwanaku, then certain points or lines in other figures will be for it other specific objects, for which will be executed validity of azimuths. The fact that in this case, this point indicates Tiwanaku also there is confirmation. Firstly, trapezoid side, which is removed from “Tiwanaku” on 2.5 km, is exactly oriented to this point and corresponds to azimuth of line Lalibela – Tiwanaku. Secondly, to a point “Tiwanaku” in T-shape figure, from other trapezoid passes thick line, with width of 10 meters. This line with very high accuracy corresponds to midline (height) of equilateral triangle whose base forms antipodes Uluru and Nan Madol, and a peak is Tiwanaku. See.«TRIANGULATION OF ANCIENT. PART 1. SYSTEM OF TRIANGLES». Also, this line passes through the center of equilateral triangle formed with Stonehenge, Great Pyramid and point of Giza 3. See. «TRIANGULATION OF ANCIENT. Part 2. TRIANGLES OF GIZA». The principle by which work points in Nazca, remind old information boards at the station on which, when you click on a certain button, display different routes with light bulbs do not change their position. Or a telephone operator, who puts contacts in the cell, connecting routes. In Nazca happens approximately the same. We “stuck” one contact to Nazca, and other to GZ starting line GZ – Nazca), and we have “lit up” points combinations corresponding to a given line. |
Why this happens, we will talk in the beginning of next part. |
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