As a result of the majority portrayal of visible on space pictures lines and figures on Naska plateau has appeared possibility of geoglives researches in their aggregate. The majority of interesting moments have come at once to light allowing to tell about Naska lines as about the certain uniform system which comprises the certain sense. Probably those laws will designate the way which will approach us to understanding of device system principle and finally will lead us to perusal of the information put into it.
When all lines and elements are visible it is possible to define directions (azimuths) on which they are orientated, corners between separate lines, and also lengths and distances. It has appeared that if to continue the orientation line of some elements it will indicate to certain points in other elements, or to well designate centers, or to the drawings removed in tens of kilometers at times.
Here it is necessary to pay attention to the following circumstance, one business is to draw the direct continuous line to the certain direction that is very uneasy itself and is quite another matter to orientate exactly a piece in length of some hundred meters to the certain point which is outside of visibility. Today it probably to do only using the system of co-ordinates or with lining of a theodolitic course from initial point to the final one.
During measurement of distances one more characteristic law has come to light, it is possible to tell. It has appeared that the length of a piece is often multiple to length of all distance up to the point to which it is orientated. Thus, thanks to proportional correlations the length of the piece, for example, length of certain element side can code all the distance, to the necessary point showing thus the direction to it.
One more very interesting feature of distances between elements of Naska confirming that orientation of the piece to the certain point takes place is their multiplicity to 100, 500 or even 1000. There are distances equal to 8000, 10000, 20500, 26800, 31300 and even 41000 m. All the measurements were carried out by Google Earth and certainly have the certain error equal to approximately 10-15 m. But when distance between points is 8004 m. or 9997 m. it is clear that precisely the integer number lies in admissible limits of this error.
Angles between concrete lines, elements and directions, also possess with interesting properties. It has appeared that corners the systems which had been formed with elements have frequently identical values, and with very high accuracy give correct triangles and parallel lines. Sometimes angles have the direct ties with the circle. For example, the angle between the lines forming an equilateral triangle in the central part of Naska desert is equal 36 degrees, i.e. 1/10 circles about which the speech will be lower.
The laws which have been found in Naska – Palpa system are shown on an interactive map in the end of this article; here we will consider the most typical examples.
Element SB2L69 – Orientation to the centre and multiplicity of the distance.
This element most demonstrably shows as the geoglif system of Naska can work. It is well visible has clear boundaries; it is possible with sufficient accuracy to measure and define its direction. The element obviously is orientated to the centre in which also other lines converge. The distance to the centre is equal to 28050 m., and length of the element is 330 m., it is equal to 1/85 of all distance.
Element SB2L69. | Orientation point. |
Orientation of this element on the interactive map is shown with red colour; with green one the other orientations of the elements which distances are proportional are shown. With yellow color are designated the whole distances and with orange orientations of elements to certain points are shown.
Other example demonstrating unity of system and that Naska geoglives could not be created by natives connects four independent elements. Three elements have in the structure lines – pieces which orientations converge in double centre of the fourth element which remoteness is more than 10 km. Lengths of these pieces are proportional to the distances up to descent point and the angles forming with directions with very high accuracy are equal to 8,2 degrees. This circumstance excludes completely casual character of the found laws.
On the drawings lower three figures are shown in which elements are orientated to the general point and also the point of descent itself.
Figure 1.
Figure 2.
Figure 3.
Descent point.
The general plan.
The following example concerns formed with Naska lines, practically correct equilateral triangle with the angle at its top equal to 36 degrees. On the drawing lower its characteristics are shown. The yellow line shows position of the triangle the side at which it becomes precisely equilateral. The intersection point of this conditional line with the triangle basis is shown with a short line under it which is on the district. It is interesting that in this equilateral triangle angles from the height to the nearest lines are equal to 8.2 (8.175) degrees, as well as in case with the figures, described above.
In more details this object can be considered on the interactive map displaying the central part of images in Naska desert.
On the interactive map which is situated lower some other laws which have been found in system Naska – Palpa are shown.