If you look at the in the desert of Nazca and Palpa deserts with a height of several tens kilometers, you will notice that all lines in their aggregate, they remind themselves a giant drawing of flying dragon with wingspan of more than 70 miles. A head and wings of the dragon are looked over very well and less clearly is a tail. The left wing and left side of the tail seem not to be clearly fill in the details. Most likely, it is explaned with that from the north-west to the full complex of Nazca and Palpa images comes desert filling with sand ancient lines.


There is another interesting fact related to the geographical location of geoglyphs. As the Nazca desert lies exactly on the line of Easter Island – The Great Pyramid (GP), which laws partially partially described by Jim Allison it turns out that the dragon flies from Easter Island to the Great Pyramid.

The point of “Nazca” divides the distance between Easter Island and the GP equal to 16,167 km in the proportion of 4/13, and the distance between the antipode of GP and the Great Pyramid itself in the golden section. More detailed information can be found in the article « JIM ALISON’S LINES».


Nazca and Palpa geoglyphs are visible only with very great height and if to assume that all the lines in their aggregate are really gigantic image of the flying dragon, it may explain for what the drawings were intended, as well as a way of their drawing . However it is needed to admit the existence of dragons or reasonable lizards in which very many people do not doubt.

So that our opinion there was not subjective, we invite everyone to take part in online surveys and express their views on the resulting image.

On the interactive map, below, are shown all of Nazca and Palpa geoglyphs, which are detected on satellite pictures of Google, as well as the line Easter Island – GP. It’s possible to say that outside of the contour lines of the dragon there are no new ones and if they will be found but only inside of received image, thereby improving the quality of its drawing.

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