

Part 1   Part 2   Part 3

LATITUDES OF HISTORICAL OBJECTSIn the previous publication «Geodesy of meridians» the regularities found in an arrangement of meridians of known historical objects were described. It became clear that meridians of such constructions, as the Great pyramid, Tiwanaku, Theotiuacan, monuments of Easter Island and Vera Island, and sacred rock Uluru in Australia are located relatively each other with a step to multiple 10 degrees. Meridians of these objects form system, in which longitudes of separate objects are a symmetry axis for other meridians.

In this article it will be a question of interaction of latitudes of the same historical objects in which arrangement even more interesting regularities allowing with full confidence to speak about existence of system in an arrangement of the most considerable and monumental constructions of an antiquity were found.

As it is known all meridians, unlike latitudes, have identical length and pass through planet poles. All meridians are Big circles or the ortodromias connecting on the shortest distance Northern and Southern poles.

With latitudes everything is differently. Among, latitudes only one Big circle – the equator which has the greatest extent. The length of a circle of other latitudes decreases as approaching poles.

In system of meridians, there are some longitudes of objects which set symmetry for other meridians. For example, meridians are symmetric to Tiwnaku and Uluru concerning a perpendicular to a meridian of the Great pyramid, and will defend from it on 10 degrees with very high precision. Meridian of the lake. Easter is a symmetry axis for Theotiuacan’s meridians and the Vera Island which will defend from it also on 10 degrees.

It appeared that latitudes of the most known historical objects, like meridians are symmetric relatively each other, and not only. For example, the latitude of Nan Madol is between the equator and Angkor, latitude which will defend from it on 755 and 731 km respectively. Angkor and Theotiuacan’s latitudes are symmetric Tiwanaku’s rather “anti-” latitudes, and will defend from it on 340 and 352 km. At identical distance from latitude to Uluru are latitude of the Easter Island and the Southern tropic which are removed from it on 196 and 208 km.

Certainly, distances differ a little. But, for performance of symmetric constructions on a distance sphere also shouldn’t be identical.

пересечение меридиановThree symmetric latitudes, being crossed with three symmetric meridians, form 4 symmetric rectangles through which tops, it is possible to carry out diagonals. But the matter is that the parties of rectangles closer to the equator always will be more parties located closer to a pole, i.e. is higher on latitude. And to carry out the correct diagonal passing through the center of symmetry, two higher rectangles should be a little flatten. Differently higher latitude should be a little closer to previous that two symmetric diagonals passed precisely through tops of adjacent rectangles. By this principle the most monumental historical objects which latitudes, cooperating with meridians also are located, form some symmetric grids covering all planet. Moving away from the equator, distances (corners) between latitudes of certain objects, decrease taking into account Earth narrowing to poles, exactly on so many that symmetric constructions on a sphere become possible.

Latitudes, cooperating, with each other form the groups some interconnected among themselves and set some symmetric systems with amazing properties. In these systems the equator is the axis of symmetry and zero latitude.

It is possible to carry latitudes of the following historical objects to the first group of the interconnected latitudes, as removal from the equator: 0. Equator, 1. Nan Madol, 2. Angkor, 3. Tiwanaku, 4. Theotiuacan, 5. Uluru, 6. Great pyramid, 7. Baalbek, 8. 40th latitude.

One more group as though enclosed in first, is formed by latitudes of the following objects: 0. Equator, 1. Tiwanaku, 2. Tropics, 3. Great pyramid, 4. 40th latitude, 5. 60th latitude.

Apparently from the list the system of cooperating latitudes includes also geographical parallels of our planet. Thanks to it all system has a binding to astronomical and geodetic parameters of Earth.

Let’s address to the first group of latitudes and we will carry out through points of their crossing with symmetric meridians of the line of Big circles – diagonals of symmetric rectangles. As a vertical axis of symmetry we will choose a meridian of the Great pyramid (GP) and its perpendicular symmetry to which meridians set Tiwnaku and Uluru. As latitudes of the main objects are located with the necessary differentiated step, the system has some options of creation of the symmetric grids, carrying out diagonals depending on a way. But for all grids of this group crossing of a meridian of GP with the equator will be the center of symmetry.

Let’s consider the first symmetry – the Grid No. 1 which is formed of 26 (2х13) mutually being crossed lines of Big circles – diagonals of rectangles. In this system the first diagonals are carried out through rectangles symmetric concerning the equator and limited in the latitudes Nan Madol.

система древних пирамид и мегалитов

On an illustration it is visible that objects of the first group are erected at those latitudes, for which probably similar construction. As it is well visible that all grid is as though entered in forties. It means that all lines diagonals forming a grid reach the maximum latitude near the 40th parallel. In this group of objects of latitude of Tiwnaku are the average line between Angkor and Theotiuacan’s latitudes. As the meridian of Baalbek also divides 10-degree sector between meridians of GP and ULURU+90° half-and-half, is formed 16 rectangles divided into four parts, very similar to the British flag.

In this system of 26 diagonals divide the equator into 40 parts on 10 in each 90-degree sector between a meridian of GP and its perpendicular. And the length of the first 5 parts (rhombuses) from GP meridian decreases to the sector middle gradually a little, and then the following 5 parts evenly increase as approaching meridian GP+90°. Here the amazing fact was found, it appeared that absolutely not the meridian not connected with this system of Nan Madol has a direct bearing on it. The meridian divides GP sector – GP+90°, according to the Grid No. 1, in the ratio 4:6. It means that on the equator from a meridian of Nan Madol to GP meridian – 6 parts (grid No. 1 rhombuses), and to its perpendicular 4 parts (rhombus).

In general it is quite possible to call the Grid No. 1 «the Grid of Nan Madol» as one more surprising circumstance connects it with this object. It appeared that the line the Great Pyramid – Nan Madol (it is shown by blue color), i.e. The big circle passing through these two objects, is the line of the Grid No. 1 which is a diagonal of symmetric rectangles formed in latitude ULURU and southern latitudes of GP and Baalbek. This diagonal on the equator is crossed with other very interesting line (it is shown yellow), passing through a point to Uluru. Except Uluru, this line passes also through a point symmetric of Nan Madol concerning the equator, a point of intersection of southern latitude Uluru with a meridian of Tiwnaku+90° and a point GP symmetric to an antipode concerning the equator.

Система диагоналей направление на ТеотиуаканThe system of diagonals of the Grid No. 1 possesses one more interesting property. It gives out the direction on Theotiuacan, and from two different provisions (green lines). In the first case the direction on the Mexican pyramids is set by the line of southern latitude of Theotiuacan passing through a point of intersection with a meridian of Tiwnaku+90°, and a point of intersection of a meridian of Uluru+90° with southern latitude of Nan Madol. In the second case the line passing through Theotiuacan, is a diagonal of rectangles formed by the Equator, southern latitudes of Nan Madol and Angkor, and also Tiwnaku’s meridians, GP+90°, and to Uluru.

LATITUDES OF HISTORICAL OBJECTSExcept Theotiuacan Set № 1 sets two more directions to Baalbek (red-brown lines) which location shouldn’t be connected with diagonals of rectangles symmetric in any way passing through it. That interestingly both diagonals belong to rectangles educated meridian GP+90° both meridians to Tiwnaku and Uluru. The first line passes through tops of rectangles formed in the latitudes Theotiuacana, Angkor and of Nan Madol, and GP second by southern latitude, latitude Uluru and Theotiuacan’s southern latitude. Besides the second line passes also through meridian crossing of Nan Madol with the equator.

The system of the Grid No. 1 cooperates with several meridians of known historical objects. For example, the meridian Por-Bazhyn, in the 90th degree sector, will defend from GP meridian on 7.5 parts, and from meridian GP+90° respectively on 2.5 parts (rhombus). Also meridians of the lake have the relation to the Grid No. 1. Easter, Theotiuacan and Vera Island.

If to consider location of other historical objects concerning the Grid No. 1, it will appear that many of them also cooperate with a grid and are located on its lines and crossings.

Such relative positioning of the most considerable and mysterious constructions of an antiquity about which origin still there is no consensus, can’t be casual. Also can mean only one – All objects about which it was told above, were erected strictly in certain places of Earth, on a uniform plan and represent the uniform multilevel system, which true appointment to us it is not known. Who created this system, and for what purpose as while remains a riddle. So that we just should find answers to this and a set of other arising questions.

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