Part 1  Part 2  Part 3

 In this part we will consider a symmetric Grid No. 2 which is set by the same latitudes and meridians, as the Grid No. 1. The Grid No. 2 consists of the 72nd (2х36) mutually being crossed lines – diagonals of symmetric rectangles. Diagonals, being crossed on the equator, divide it into 72 equal parts, on 5 degrees everyone.

In this case diagonals are carried out through tops of symmetric rectangles made by latitudes of Angkor and meridians of Tiwanaku and Uluru.

The Grid No. 2 once again visually shows, existence of 10 gradusny steps between meridians of Great Pyramid (GP), Uluru, Tiwanaku, Teotiuacan and Easter Island, and also the differentiated step between latitudes of Nan Madol, Angkor, Tiwanaku, Teotiuacan, Uluru, GP and Baalbek.

As well as in the first case, the Grid No. 2 cooperates with a meridian Nan Madol the perpendicular to which will defend from GP meridian on 37.2 degrees. This value is very close to 37.5 degrees at which the meridian would pass precisely through crossings of lines of a Grid. 

More precisely with this system Angkor’s meridian which will defend from Tiwanaku’s meridian on 7.42 degrees that is very close to value 7,5* cooperates. Therefore Angkor’s meridian halves a 5-degree part of the Grid No. 2 half-and-half.


In the course of studying of this Grid belonging to system of ancient monumental constructions of one more object – Samaypata Fort, which represents a rocky ledge with the structures cut on it was found. It became clear that Samaypata’s meridian divides 10-degree sector between Tiwanaku’s meridian and a perpendicular to GP meridian half-and-half. It means that the perpendicular to Samaypata’s meridian is symmetric concerning GP meridian to a meridian of Baalbek which halves 10-degree sector between GP and Uluru+90* meridians. Besides Samaypata’s latitude lies precisely on the middle, between Tiwanaku’s latitudes and Teotiuakan’s southern latitude that once again confirms Samaypata’s belonging to System.

The Grid No. 2 possesses one more interesting feature, except the objects it unites also some other considerable constructions. If to break a 5-degree Grid still half-and-half, i.e. to carry out 72 more intermediate lines which will break all Grid on 2.5 degrees, it will appear that many of them pass through known monumental constructions. On intermediate lines lie: The Stonehendge, Easter Island, which meridian also cooperates with system, Angkor, the White pyramid in China, Nan Madol, Somapura Makhavikhara – the biggest pyramid in India, Tiwanaku, Dendera and some other.

In general it is necessary to tell that the arrangement of many historical objects gets special sense if to consider it rather symmetric Grids. A certain regularity, as a rule, the ancient came to light even and the construction, the high probability is more monumental that it is on lines of a Grid or on their crossings.

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