Svetitskhoveli – the object of SAMS.

Кафедральный патриарший храм Грузинской православной церкви

Svetitskhoveli is a symbol of Christian Georgia and its main Shrine. This temple has absorbed the entire history of the country since ancient times. Here found rest for many Georgian kings and patriarchs of the Church. The temple is located in the ancient capital of Georgia – Mtskheta (15 km North of modern Tbilisi) and amazes with its grandeur and laconic architecture.

Like many ancient buildings of this kind, Svetitskhoveli temple has its own mystical history, which says why the Cathedral was erected in this, it turns out, is not a random place.

Legend has it that under the temple is the robe (Chiton) of Christ.

“The robe was brought to Georgia in Mtskheta by the Jews, Rabbi Eliason and his brother Longinos who were present at the crucifixion of the Lord, and protested against the unfair trial of the Sanhedrin. Elioz gave Reese to his pious sister, the girl Sidonia, who had heard about the preaching of Christ and recognized him as the promised Messiah. Sidonia, having received the Shrine, shocked by the murder of the righteous, uttered a prophecy about the end of the Kingdom of Israel and immediately died. No forces to pull out of the hands of the deceased Heaton Savior failed-so she was buried with him in the Royal garden.

After some time at the grave grew a tree — the cedar. The people of Mtskheta had already forgotten about Sidonia and her grave, but they noticed that sick birds and animals ate needles and left healthy, and began to honor the tree as a deity.

Three centuries later, the Holy equal-to-the-apostles Nina came to Georgia with the news of Christ. From her childhood she wanted to get to Iberia in order to worship the great Shrine. Because she turned to king Mirian with a request to put on the site of the tomb of Sidonia temple.

From the sacred cedar cut down seven columns for a wooden temple. However, one of the pillars could not be moved, and the fragrant healing myrrh began to flow out of it. This pillar is called “Svetitskhoveli”, which means”life-Giving pillar” in Georgian. Source:

Thus, the place of construction of the first temple was originally clearly marked.  In the V century, Georgia was ruled by the pious king Vakhtang Gorgasali, who built a stone Basilica of the Twelve apostles over the grave of Sidonia instead of a wooden Church.

In the XI century on the site of the damaged Basilica was erected a new temple, which has reached our days. Now the existing cross-domed, four-column, three-nave Church in the name of the Twelve Apostles was built from 1010 to 1029 under the supervision of the architect Arsakidze, whose name is mentioned in the inscription on the facade of the Cathedral.
Let’s see what is interesting about the Temple and the place of its construction.

In terms of the temple is a rectangle stretched from West to East.  This rectangle in its proportions corresponds to the hexagram rectangle, which is unique, and through the coefficients is associated with the rest of its elements. This means that knowing the size of one of the sides of the hexagram rectangle, you can calculate the size of all other elements, including the length of the circle, which describes the 6-gon.

In the following image, the width of the rectangle of one of the hexagrams shown by the bold red line is aligned with the width of the Svetitskhoveli Cathedral. At this scale, the length of the rectangle coincides with the length of a large part of the temple without one chapel. The second hexagram is rotated 60 degrees relative to the first. The centers of hexagrams coincide with the center of the dome of the Cathedral.

These patterns are enough to claim that the temple of Svetitskhoveli is designed in the proportions of hexagrams. But as you can see in the image below, they are not the only ones.
храм Светицховели спроектирован в пропорциях гексаграммы
Blue dotted lines pass through the intersection lines of the hexagrams.

This image clearly shows that the size of the Cathedral, its layout and location of the elements correspond to the proportions of the hexagram and are inscribed in its structure. To say otherwise is to at least deceive.  Moreover, this feature is typical for many ancient buildings. For example, many Russian churches are designed in proportions of regular geometric figures. 

The following image allows you to finally verify this. In this case, the entire rectangular part of the Svetitskhoveli Cathedral is superimposed with three hexagrams. And this overlay turned itself, from the layout of the temple.
планировка и расположение элементов Светицховели соответствуют пропорциям гексаграммы

The first was imposed red hexagram. Its size was taken by the inner width of the temple, and the center was combined with the center of the dome. At this scale immediately discovered an interesting feature characteristic of many temple buildings. As you can see, the thickness of the Svetitskhoveli walls corresponds to the distance from the circle describing the hexagram to its face. Thus, the hexagram is located inside the Cathedral, and the diameter of the circle describing it is equal to the outer width of the temple.

 In addition, the vertical rectangle of the red hexagram coincides with the outer borders of the Central rectangle of the Cathedral. You can see that the vertical rectangle of the left green hexagram coincides with the left rectangle of the temple, and on the right there is another “section” corresponding to the hexagram rectangle.

The square, in which the left green hexagram is inscribed, is combined with the outer borders of the Western wall of the Svetitskhoveli temple, and the second green hexagram simply adjoins the first one on the right side. All matches with the layout of the temple, arising from this superimposition of hexagrams, are clearly visible in the image above.

In the following figure, the hexagrams are shown separately, with no layout. It is clearly seen as a red hexagram, the center of which is the center of the dome, intersects with two green.
гексаграммы собора СВетицховели

Thus, two green hexagrams are simply aligned, and the red one is shifted to the left from the center of the right green hexagram by 4/3 of the width of the hexagram rectangle.
гексаграммы храма Светицховели
Next, we consider the orientation of the Svetitskhoveli Cathedral and its location relative to the key of the system of ancient monumental structures (SAMS).

All sources about the monastery says that the Church is oriented from West to East. This is true, but not quite. All space images taken at different times from different points show that the orientation of the temple is slightly different from the West-East axis, just a few degrees. How exactly to measure is difficult. It is possible to tell approximately from 2.5 to 3 degrees. But now it is not particularly important, because we will just look, the orientation of the temple of Svetitskhoveli coincides with the direction of the object or not.

At the point of Svetitskhoveli in the direction of Tiwanaku – the most important object of SDMS has azimuth 272.71°. I.e. different from the direction of West on 2.71°. It is so in need of the different orientation of the temple of Svetitskhoveli from the axis West-East.

The direction to Lhasa at the Svetitskhoveli point has an azimuth of 92.83°. Ie it is the opposite of the direction of Tiwanaku with an accuracy of 0.12° and differs from the axis West-East for 2.83°. Thus, it all depends on the exact orientation of the temple, knowing that it is possible to determine the exact error of orientation on Tiwanaku and Lhasa.

In addition, Svetitskhoveli Cathedral is more than 1000 years old, and continents are known to move. Therefore, errors can be caused by this factor. In any case, it is very high accuracy. To measure the orientation of the Cathedral with an accuracy of a few hundredths of a degree will be very difficult.

If you connect directly Tiwanaku and Lhasa (Potala Palace) that line will be 15 km to the South of the monastery on the outskirts of Tbilisi.

That the orientation of the Svetitskhoveli Cathedral at Tiwanaku and Lhasa is not accidental, says another obvious fact. The distance from Svetitskhoveli to Lhasa is 4351 Km or 39.09°. The distance from Mtskheta to Tiwanaku is 13151 Km or 118.17°. Thus, the distance from Mtskheta to Tiwanaku is three distance from the monastery to Lhasa. 13151 / 4351 = 3.022.

This combination cannot be accidental. Moreover …

Azimuth at Stonehenge at the point of Svetitskhoveli equal 302.76°, and differs from the azimuth of Tiwanaku to the angle of the hexagram – 30° with an accuracy of 0.05°.

What the above combination of azimuths looks like on the ground is shown in the image below.
Азимут на Стоунхендж в точке Светицховели
Svetitskhoveli Cafedral. The direction to the Tiwanaku, Lhasa and Stonehenge.

In the following image, the above directions are combined with the layout of the Svetitskhoveli temple. It is clearly seen that the direction of the Stonehenge is the diagonal of the rectangle of the hexagram, the proportions of which corresponds to a large part of the Svetitskhoveli Cathedral.

It should be noted that Tiwanako and Stonehenge are not just two ancient buildings located thousands of kilometers from each other. These are the two most important and interrelated objects of SDMS. For example, together with Teotihuacan and Easter island, they define a global network that is symmetric about the Meridian of the great Pyramid, which includes, among other things, Lhasa.

собор Светицховели сориентирован по линии Тиуанако – Лхаса

Thus, the Svetitskhoveli Cathedral is oriented along the line of Tiwanaku – Lhasa, and its diagonal, “gives” the direction to Stonehenge.

In the location of the Svetitskhoveli Cathedral relative to the key points of the SDMS, there are several interesting points, which together with the above-mentioned laws once again confirm the belonging of the temple to the global navigation system.

One kilometer from Svetitskhoveli in azimuth 112.5° is another national Shrine of Georgia-Jvari temple, located on a high hill. 112.5° is the angle of the 8 – gon octagon, measured from the direction to the North. Thus, if standing next to the Svetitskhoveli Cathedral to combine the octagon with the direction to the Jvari temple, it is possible to determine the location of the cardinal points with high accuracy.

In turn, knowing the direction to the North, from Svetitskhoveli Cathedral with the help of 9-gon (nonagon) can determine the direction of the main Christian Shrine and the reference point of the SDMS – Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem, whose azimuth is 220.00°.

This combination is shown in the image below.
направление на главную христианскую святыню и опорную точку СДМС – Храм Соломона
Svetitskhoveli. The direction of the Temple of Solomon.

In conclusion, we can say that at the Svetitskhoveli point, the angle between the directions to Teotihuacan (azimuth – 323.52°) and the direction to Baalbek (azimuth 223.31°), with an error of 0.21°, also corresponds to the angle of nonagon – 100°.

в точке Светицховели, угол между направлениями на Теотиуакан (азимут -323.52°) и направлением на Баальбек (азимут  223.31°),

Teotihuacan and Baalbek are also interrelated objects, which occupy an important place in the”Pyramid system”. Suffice it to say that Teotihuacan and of Tiwanaku is equidistant to the Golden section from Baalbek, and symmetrical relative to the line of Baalbek – Uluru.

Thus, summing up the above, it can be argued that the Svetitskhoveli Cathedral is also an important object of the SDMS, and rightly enjoys universal respect. It can also be assumed that along with other structures of this kind and megalithic objects of the Caucasus Svetitskhoveli Cathedral is part of the local navigation network, which is tied to the reference points of the system of ancient monumental structures.

All the regularities described in the article can be checked by downloading the kmz file. for the Google Earth program. 2019.

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