The construction site of Washington is not accidental. This is one of the points of the System of ancient structures (SAMS). All anomalies of the city are connected with it. Perhaps in this place already existed, some ancient buildings. Just like in St. Petersburg, which also has to do with Washington.
Here are just some of the laws that connect Washington with the key objects of the system.
1. Washington lies in the center of the conditional equilateral triangle that formed key points SAMS Teotihuacan, Tiwanaku and Uluru.
2. The line Teotihuacan – Stonehenge (azimuth 39.33°) is 20 kilometers from the Capitol.
3. At the same time, the Directions to Teotihuacan, Tiwanaku and Stonehenge were distributed according to the corners of the hexagram. For directions to coincide with the angles of the hexagram, it must be rotated by 9.5° counterclockwise.
4. In Washington, the direction to Easter island corresponds to the angle of the hexagram 210°.
Moreover, from the Capitol, which is precisely oriented to the cardinal points and designed in the proportions of the hexagram, the direction to Easter Island has an azimuth of exactly 210.00°. Therefore, if you attach a hexagram to the wall of the White House, you can find the exact direction of Easter island.
At the same time, the distance from Washington to Easter Island is 8038 km, or 72°. Therefore, Washington and Easter Island partition a Great circle in the proportions of the pentagram.
5. Washington lies almost on the Meridian of Angkor, which runs 74 km from the Capitol. Given that Angkor is a huge complex of buildings covering an area of more than 50×50 km, this is not such a big error.

6. The Meridian of Washington is 77.01°W, the Meridian of the great Pyramid is 31.13°. Thus, the angle between the meridians corresponds to the angle of the pentagram 108°. (77.01° + 31.13° = 108.14°) Therefore, the meridians of the great pyramid and Washington divide the equator according to the corners of the pentagram.
7. Azimut Arlington Avenue has the value 215.70°, and Connecticut Avenue – 155.70°. Therefore, the angle between the directions is 60° and corresponds to the angle of the hexagram. The direction of the Great pyramid has an azimuth – 55.84°, and the Great Zimbabwe – 95.62°. Therefore, all the angles between these directions correspond to the corners of the 9-gon – nonagon. For the angles to coincide with the above directions, the nonagon must be rotated by 4.15° counterclockwise.

This is not all the patterns in the location of objects associated with Washington. Some of them, wrote Jim Alison in his article “
New Atlantis“.
A system and other laws in the location, both ancient and not so ancient historical buildings, says only one thing that recently on Earth there was another world about which we know practically nothing. Then something happened, the world was reformatted, and our civilization emerged. Unfortunately, this is all we can talk about more or less confidently.