Gunung Kavi is an ancient navigation complex.

Скальный храм Гунунг Кави

Gunung Kawi — one of the most ancient cave temples on the island of Bali, the origin and exact purpose of which is unknown. According to the official version, this is the tomb of king Anak Wungsu, his wives and concubines. The temple is located in the valley of the Pakrisan river, near the village of Tampaksiring.  Gunung Kavi temple is a complex of rock-cut monuments and caves located on both sides of the river.

The buildings of the complex cover an area of about one hectare, and all of them are carved into monolithic rocks. Thus, the volume of removed rock is simply amazing. At the same time, there are no traces of it anywhere, it has mysteriously disappeared.

On the South side of the river are four huge structures in niches carved into the stone slope. They look like mausoleums or tombs with quaint architecture and impressive dimensions.

First, in the rock of the slope with a height of more than 15 meters, a platform of 20×40 meters was chosen, and then “tombs”were carved in the vertical wall. On the opposite side of the river, five other similar monuments were cut down using the same method.

The entire surrounding area around the main sites is literally riddled with all sorts of tombs, caves, niches and other of unknown purpose.

It is clear that Gunung Kavi is really a very ancient complex. This is confirmed by many obvious facts, which are mainly related to the destruction of the stone from time to time.  This is a stone staircase leading to the caves, and elements of polygonal masonry and obvious traces of stone processing in a plastic state.

Such objects always raise a lot of questions related to their origin, incredible technologies and huge amounts of work that can only be performed by a very developed and technically advanced civilization. Think about how a thousand years ago, without even metal tools, a small tribe of savages was able to remove millions of tons of rock, remove it without a trace, and then carve out architectural structures in the rocks, at a sufficiently high altitude.

In short, if there is no physical or technical possibility, then it is obvious that no, even the most zealous faith in the Gods, no orders of semi-savage kings, will not help in the construction of such complex objects. Unless, of course, these structures were created by the Gods themselves. Which is confirmed with amazing unanimity by all local legends in all corners of the planet, saying that all such monuments were built either by the Gods, or with their direct participation. After that, they became objects of worship of people who kept them in proper condition.

But even for the Gods, the creation of such grandiose structures must have a very strong motivation. And until recently, this question remained open, leading alternative historians into the impenetrable wilds of various versions. With the discovery of the System in the location of ancient monumental structures, everything fell into place.

It turned out that most of the most famous structures of ancient times are located on the planet is not chaotic, and are a navigation system based on geometric principles. The key objects Of the system ARE the Great pyramid, Teotihuacan, Tiwanaku, Uluru, and Easter island. Nan Madol, Angkor, Stonehenge, Baalbek and some other grandiose structures form a regular geometric framework of the planet, to which objects of the next, lower level are attached.

The section “THE ALIGNMENTS SYSTEM” describes several dozen such navigation systems.

Linking to the key objects of the system is carried out by various methods, which are based on the orientation of structures, their location in a special way, and most importantly, the construction of navigation objects in strictly defined places, in which the geometric conditions for directions to key points are met.

Thus, such places on Earth were first identified, and then navigation complexes were built in them in a certain way that was most suitable for local conditions. This, by the way, explains the presence of monumental structures in the most incredible and inaccessible places on the planet.

In General, the navigation version explains many unsolvable puzzles, including the gigantism of the structures themselves and the materials used. Because the navigation point should be not subject to the elements and clearly visible from a high altitude, accurately marking a specific place for a very long time. Which is exactly what we see everywhere.

All of the above fully applies to the rock complex Gunung Kawi, as we will see now.

Let’s start with the orientation of the South platform. Since a vertical cut was made to create geometric monuments in the niches of the rock, it is clearly visible, especially in contrast with the cleared area. The orientation of the boundary of the rock section is close to the azimuth of 131° and exactly corresponds to the direction of Easter island, whose azimuth is 131.04°.

In the image below, the direction to Easter island is shown by a purple line, and the orientation of the rock section is shown by a white arrow.

ориентация Гунунг Кави на остров Пасхи
Then go to the Northern platform on the opposite Bank of the river. There is also a vertical rock section with an orientation close to 122.5°. Of course, using the Google Earth service, you can only determine the orientation approximately, within tenths of a degree. But as we will see later, this is enough to make sure that the orientation of the slice is likely to have this value.

The direction to the nearest key object to this point – Angkor – has a value of 332.4°. Therefore, the angle between the orientation of the rock section and the direction to Angkor corresponds to the angle of the hexagram 150°/30°.

Thus, if you attach a hexagram to a section of rock, you can determine the exact direction to Angkor.

направление на Ангкор
It is easy to see that the proportions of the rectangular area in front of the rock niches correspond to the proportions of the hexagram rectangle, which has a constant aspect ratio.

The direction to Stonehenge at Gunung Kavi has a value of 332.57° and is 10° different from the direction to Angkor. The direction to the largest pyramid in China-the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang, near which the famous Terracotta Army was found, at this point has a value of 352.69° and 20° differs from the direction to Angkor.

Thus, if we replace the hexagram with a 9-square (nonagon) and combine it with the orientation of the rock section, we will get directions to two key objects at once and the Chinese pyramid, which is undoubtedly also part of the system of ancient monumental structures (SAMS).

Гунунг Кави направление на Ангкор и Стоунхендж
At the same time, the directions to Angkor and the Qin Shi Huang mausoleum are symmetrical relative to the middle line of the 9-gon.
Направления на Ангкор и мавзолей ЦиньШихуанди
And the angle between the directions to Stonehenge and the Mausoleum corresponds to the angle of the hexagram 30°.
Направления на Стоунхендж и Мавзолей Цинь Шихуанди
Now let’s return to the direction to Easter island, which, as we remember, corresponds to the orientation of the southern part of the Gunung Kavi complex at azimuth 131.04°.

At this point, the direction to the most important key object of the System – Tiwanaku has an azimuth of 171.03°. Thus, the angle between the directions to Easter island and Tiwanaku exactly corresponds to the angle of nonagon-40°. Therefore, if you combine the 9-gon with the southern rock section, you can determine the direction of two key objects in the System.

Направления на остров Пасхи и Тиуанако
It remains to add that the direction to Easter island is the exact direction to one of the largest groups of moai statues on the island.

Then we will return to the Northern site of Gunung Kawi.

The direction to the Great pyramid at this point has a value of 300.48°, i.e. with an error of less than half a degree corresponds to the angle of the hexagram, counted from the direction to the North. In reality, this is more than 40 kilometers, so we will not consider this circumstance as a pattern yet.

The direction to the other most important object of the SDMS, which is directly connected with the great pyramid – Uluru has an azimuth of 140.4°. Thus, at the point Gunung Kavi, the angle between the directions to the Great pyramid and Uluru corresponds to the angle of the 9-gon – 20°/160°.

Направления от Гунунг Кави на Великую пирамиду и Улуру
The photo clearly shows that the orientation of the temple buildings in this part of the complex corresponds to the direction of Uluru.

The direction of another famous Balinese temple – Mother Temple, which is located 16 km East of Gunung Kavi, near the city of Besakih, has a value of 70.4°. Therefore, the direction to it is also part of this combination and differs from the direction to the Great pyramid at an angle of 50°/130°.

Since the azimuth on Uluru is 140.4°, the direction to the Mother Temple – = 70.4° divides the angle between the directions to the North and Uluru in half.

Both temples are clearly visible from a great height, so knowing the principles of building a System of ancient structures, observing the orientation, as well as the mutual location of temples and temple buildings, you can determine the direction to the key points of the SAMS, i.e. navigate.

There is another interesting circumstance that confirms that this combination is not accidental and the location of the rock temple is in this place. The direction to Gunung Kavi from the great pyramid has an azimuth of 100.2°. That is, it also corresponds to the angle of the 9-gon, and oriented to the cardinal directions.

Направление на Гунунг Кави от Великой пирамиды
Next, we consider the direction of another two key points in the System Nan Madol and Samaipata. At Gunung Kavi point, the direction to Nan Madol point has a value of 71.7°. That is, with an error of 0.3°, it corresponds to the angle of the pentagram of 72°, counted from the direction to the North. In reality, this error is a little more than 20 km. That is, the point at which the azimuth will be exactly 72° is located 20 km from the center of Nan Madol. At the same time, the distance from Gunung Kavi to Nan Madol is 5064 km. That is, the error is 24 km by 5064 km-0.5%.
Гунунг Кави Gunung Kawi направления на Нан Мадол
The photo shows that the opposite side of the rock section is slightly not parallel to it, and is close to the orientation of 126°. Satellite images can not accurately determine the orientation of the object because there are binding errors, camera tilt, and other inaccuracies. But still, the errors usually do not exceed 0.5°. Therefore, we can only say that the orientation of the opposite wall is close to the angle of the pentagram 126°. Given all the other patterns, we can confidently assume that this is the case.

The direction to Samaipata at Gunung Kavi has a value of 181.8° and differs from the azimuth of Nan Madol by a nonagon angle of 110°.

Гунунг Кави направление на Нан Мадол
In order for the directions to the key objects to coincide with the angles of the nonagon, it must be rotated by 1.75° clockwise. At the same time, as we remember, the orientation of the rock section is close to the value of 122.5° and differs from the nonagon angle by 2.5°, which is close to 1.75°. Therefore, in combination with the azimuths of Samaipata and Nan Madola, the orientation of the 9-gon, when turning at 1.75°, also coincides with the orientation of the rock section, which is clearly visible in the photo.

Well, in conclusion, another pattern that finally removes all doubts that the place for the creation of Gunung Kawi was not chosen by chance. This is the direction to Teotihuacan, which at this point has a value of 67.5° and exactly corresponds to the angle of the 8-gon, counted from the direction to the North.

Гунунг Кави направление на Теотиуакан
Having determined the direction to the North, you can use the 8-gon to accurately determine the direction to Teotihuacan.

Each of the above-listed patterns can be an accident separately. But all together they exclude this possibility. Moreover, we observe exactly the same patterns in many other ancient structures, which also allow us to determine the location of key objects in the System.

Since the key objects are located in strictly defined places on the planet, they form a regular geometric network to which all other lower-level objects are linked. Therefore, by determining the directions to key points in each specific place, you can calculate your location on the globe, i.e. Orient yourself. This is how the system of ancient monumental structures works, the existence of which can no longer be doubted.

Therefore, as soon as the proponents of alternative views on the history of our civilization closely study it, everything will fall into place, many questions will be resolved and it will become obvious that our ideas about the past, to put it mildly, do not correspond to reality.

You can independently verify the presence of patterns associated with the location of Gunung Kawi. You have download the file and open it in the program Google Earth.

Learn more about the regularities in the location of other ancient structures, the description and principles of SАMS. as well as the purpose of geoglyphs in the Nazca desert, you can follow the links below.

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