For information on when people become aware of the existence of the golden ratio , is still no consensus. Some scientists believe that the Sumerians were the first, others rightly believe that is ancient Egypt knew about the golden ratio. Researchers believe the Great Pyramid, the builders of the Pyramids of Egypt were known to the golden ratio and the number “pi”, and suggest that these golden numbers were key in the design of the pyramids.
The principle of the golden ratio has a definite mathematical character. The name refers to a division of a certain size in two parts, in which the ratio of the smaller to the greater will be the same for most of the value to the whole. This principle is called the golden ratio or the golden ratio for at least two reasons. First, it is, in fact, a fascinating mathematical puzzle that most clearly demonstrates the paradox and complexity of such a seemingly formal and rigorous fields of knowledge such as mathematics. Secondly, the golden ratio is one of the cornerstones of practical geometry, which is used to construct various geometric shapes (eg, a regular pentagon).
Given the inextricable link geometry with the architecture is easy to guess that the question of the golden ratio in the material world by scientists from ancient times. It is known that one of the first cases of the golden ratio references contained in the “Elements” of Euclid, created around 2300 years ago and laid the foundations of geometry.
Architect of the Great Pyramid knew about the “golden” rectangle and the “gold” diamond or built them accidentally, by extraordinary simplicity of their construction is ultimately not that important. What is important is that, historically, the priority of building a “golden” triangle belongs to the builders of the Great Pyramid and the evidence of that is itself a pyramid at Giza.
Great Pyramid, Teotihuacan, Easter Island, Stonehenge, Nazca lines, Baalbek и Angkor.
But first things first. In “JIM ALISON’S LINES” we catch mentioned that the geoglyphs in the Nazca desert divide the distance between the GP and its antithesis, ie half the circumference of the Earth in the golden ratio. Before that it was aware of only one object relevant to the Golden Ratio, is – Mecca, which lies in the golden mean between the extremes.
As it happens. On the geoid – the Earth, between the point and its antipode of 180 degrees of the circle, the ratio of the golden ratio for this number expresses the proportion 111.24° / 68.76°. In one degree – 111.29 kilometers above ground, therefore, on the GP to be Nasca 111.24 x 111.29 = 12,380 km, and from Nazca to antipode GP 68.76 x 111.29 = 7652 km. In reality, these distances (hereafter according to Google Earth) are 12 370 km and 7650 km respectively. On the error in this case does not have to say, as a plateau, at an absolutely accurate value, as there are ancient line.
In fact, we are now considering the line GP-Easter Island, through the Nazca, which divides the line between the opposite of the GP and GP in proportion of the golden ratio. Himself about. Easter is on the line midway between the Nazca and the antithesis of the GP, with an accuracy of 0.3 degrees, ie less than 40 km.
Then look for another object – Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan, which, as it turned out, also located in the golden mean between the GP and its antipode. Distance from the GP to Teotihuacan still 12,343 km or 110.9°, and the pyramid of the sun to the antipode GP – 7677 km or 68.97°. The error in this case is also less than 0.3°, that for such distances and specific points using a very precise meaning. Thus, the Pyramid of the Sun divides the line GP – Teotihuacan – opposite the GP in the golden ratio.
Now draw a line through the circle of the Grand Teotihuacan and Nazca, we see that it is precisely through the Angkor. But perhaps it would be correct to say that the line of Teotihuacan – Angkor passes through the geoglyphs in the Nazca desert, next to whom, exactly opposite is Angkor.
Further dividing the distance between the point and the Nazca Teotihuacan we can hold the middle line (shown in red) all the points on which to equidistant from the Pyramid of the Sun and the Nazca lines. Also, this line is perpendicular to the line of Teotihuacan – Angkor.
It is interesting to note how these lines “intersect” South America, passing well to the contours of the mouth and through the two great rivers of the continent. A small dot on the center line, this Galapagos, which have a very typical rock called «Pinocchio».
We now turn to another interesting property of this combination of lines. If we use the breadth of Teotihuacan and perpendicular to the meridian of the GP (IP +90°) they cross the midline, forming an equilateral triangle with the base of Teotihuacan – Nazca.
Basement Teotihuacan – Nazca equal 4600 km interesting in itself. The thing is, 4600 miles is 41.37 degrees, ie close to 40°. Distance from Teotihuacan to the antipode of Angkor still 4427 km or 39.81°, closer to 40°. Well, in order to balance the system and clearly link it to the known parameters, located near geoglyph CANDELABRA OF PARACAS, whose distance from the Teotihuacan exactly 40° or 4451.3 kilometers.
In geodesy it is called control point to be submitted to the area from other known points, and is tied to her other nearby points. Just as is the case with candelabra, trying to make a point visible from a distance, which makes sense and explains the location of the true purpose of this mysterious image, which in the light of this combination becomes clear meaning. Just “Chandelier” – frame, clearly visible from space, with known parameters, tied to Teotihuacan.
Now look at all this combination of lines in another place, in the Great Pyramid. The image below is centered on the meridian of Stonehenge and the middle line GP – opposite the GP. As you can see, these two lines are perpendicular and form an equilateral triangle with the top GP.
Meridian of Stonehenge is not just cross with the lines golden mean at certain points, and at the points of its intersection with latitude 45 and the tropic. And not just a triangle formed an isosceles triangle, and with the parties on 30 degrees.
In general, the division line Teotihuacan – GP is very interesting and again speaks of the impossibility of such coincidences. In addition to the meridian of Stonehenge, the 45th latitude, together with this line crosses the meridian VAALBEK +90°. Line segment GP – Teotihuacan between meridians Vaalbek +90° and Stonehenge at its points of intersection with the 45th latitude is 36°. And to Teotihuacan from the meridian Vaalbek+90° 45° remains.
If you imagine a line Antipodes GP – Teotihuacan – GP as a straight line, then divided into segments, it will be as follows:
Where the distance between the Teotihuacan and GP series is divided into 1/8, 1/10 and 1/12 of the entire circumference of the globe.
If you remember, that the meridians of Teotihuacan and Baalbek, with their perpendicular lines divides equator at sector 45°, we see that here is found the same 45-degree relationship, as well as binding, in the Great Pyramid and Stonehenge, to the geodesic parameters land, ie the 45th latitude.
That’s such an amazing way, with golden ratio revealed a striking correlation between the most important buildings of antiquity. It turned out that at first glance unrelated objects are absolutely clear regularities in its location, which can not be random.
This study confirms the existence of a system in the location of the most monumental works of antiquity, and indicates the presence of a single concept on which they were built on different continents.