ИДСЗFor the first time the hypothesis that the ancient megalithic structures may be located on our planet on a particular system, launched in 70 years, Russian scientists N.F.Goncharov, V.A. Makarov and V.S.Morozov. According to their theory , the kernel of the Earth is a growing crystal of iron, which brings in all the shells of the planet right symmetry of the two Platonic polyhedra – the icosahedron and dodecahedron, and the hierarchy of subsystems, the division. On the tops of the crystal, just as the majority of seats and is situated the ancient civilizations, pyramids and other famous buildings. Although in this symmetric system really is coincidence with the location of historical sites, all of them is quite approximate.

ситема мулдашеваThen a famous Bashkir physician and researcher of ancient civilizations Ernst Muldashev offered his system of pyramids, in which he linked the location of Giza, Easter Island, Mount Kailash and a few other famous places. Unfortunately, the system was crude and could not stand the geographical test. But the great merit of Ernst Rifgatovich in another. Through his books not new, but rather fantastic idea, the presence of the location of ancient monuments, became very popular. Hundreds of researchers have begun their own investigations in this direction, and I must say have made ??very significant progress. The most interesting articles on this topic are available on our website under “Historical Geodesy” .

Thus, in the article ” Jim Allison’s Lines” have been described Great Circles joining some famous historical sites. One of them, the line of the Great Pyramid (GP) – Easter Island is a well-known figures in the desert of Nazca and many other sacred places. Moreover, the Nazca lies in the golden section of the line between the GP and its antipode. In addition, this line, which can be safely regarded as one of the principal, has a number of remarkable properties and laws, which will be discussed a little bit lower.

If to research more in this direction, and connect the most significant buildings of antiquity to each other by lines, as well as to their latitude and meridians, you will get a global network of lines covering the entire planet. In the process, the network revealed distinct patterns for the first time allow us to say that there are certain system in the arrangement of the pyramids, temples and other megalithic structures.

As reference points for the lines on the principle of monumentality, was chosen the most famous and important historical sites: Great Pyramid (GP), Stonehenge, Theotiuacan, Tiwanaku, Easter Island, Nan Madol, Baalbek, Angkor, Lalibela, religion centers – Jerusalem (Temple of Solomon), Mecca, Vatican, Great Zimbabwe in Africa, saint rock Uluru in Australia, Por Bajyn и Vera Island Megaliths in Russia.

System of megalithic buildingsIf to represent all great circles connecting these objects on the globe, we’ll see at first glance, a chaotic grid of intersecting lines. But on closer study reveals many patterns, occasional occurrence of which is highly unlikely. Let’s consider some of them.

If you look at the line from a great height, you can choose the number of global trends, which center of the intersection is the Great Pyramid at Giza.

A closer look reveals that most of the monumental historical buildings lie exactly on the lines connecting the main point. Moreover much of it is located at the intersections of the lines. Most surprising fact revealed a combination with the main lines to the location of world capitals. It turned out that most state capitals are also on the lines or meridians of latitude and historical sites. Especially in this distinguished Kazakhstan, which only recently, in historical terms, moved his new capital, Astana, on the latitude of Stonehenge.

Система исторических объектов

Система пирамид пересечение 5 линийThe next interesting fact is related to the intersection of 3, 4 or even 5 or as a non-line at one point. Alfred Watkins, who discovered the ley lines in England, admitted the possibility of accidental intersection of three lines at one point that he spent in unrelated objects. But the intersection of four, five and even more so, totally independent lines at one point, there can be no accident. In addition, Watkins combined 51 randomly distributed points and considered the total number of intersections. In this case we have a total of 16 sites and dozens of intersections in a 3-point line, a few intersections 4 lines and single cross of five lines. For example, the line GP – Easter Island has ten intersections of 3 lines and the intersection of two 4-lines. The line GP – Tiwanaku has six intersections of 3 lines, one 4-crossing lines, and one intersection to 5 lines. The table below shows the great circle of intersection of the Great Pyramid with the other lines.

Great Pyramid Intersections

Another argument telling about the presence of a particular system in the arrangement of famous ancient buildings, is the intersection of the lines of Nan Madol – Uluru and GP – Nan Madol. These two lines intersect at the point of Nan Madol at an angle of 90 degrees (90.47 *), performing with several conditions.

ДAncient geodesic system

For example, the point of Nan Madol is located so that the line GP – Nan Madol (perpendicular to Nan Madol – Uluru) passes through the point symmetric to the equator of Uluru. The two perpendicular lines crossing the meridian of Tiwanaku, one at a latitude of Baalbek, another on the 40th latitude. And the line GP – Nan Madol is almost tangent, as the 40th latitude, ie, maximum latitude of the Great Circle – 40 degrees. The line of Nan Madol – Uluru, also interacts with the breadth of Baalbek, crossing it on the meridian perpendicular to the meridian of the GP.

The image above shows that the meridians of Tiwanaku and the Uluru are symmetric with respect to the perpendicular of the meridian of the Great Pyramid (Meridian GP + 90 degrees), and deviate from it by 10 degrees. With this breadth of Baalbek and the antipode Uluru crossing meridians Tiwanaku and Uluru, form two adjacent squares, which is the general diagonal orthodrome GP – Nan Madol. For the line Nan Madol – Uluru situation is repeated and it is already diagonal four adjacent squares, formed by latitudes Uluru, Baalbek and the 40th latitude.

It should be noted that the perpendicular lines connecting a pair of well-known historical sites is not a single phenomenon. Thus, at the point perpendicular to the line of  Stonehenge – Easter Island (azimuth 58.84) and the line of Stonehenge – Great Zimbabwe (azimuth 148.61). In this case, the line of Stonehenge – Easter Island crosses the fortieth latitude on the meridian of Nan Madol, a line of Stonehenge – Great Zimbabwe crosses perpendicular to the meridian of Tiwanaku in the latitude of Nan Madol. At the point of the Great Pyramid are perpendicular to within one hundredth of a degree the line GP – Baalbek (azimuth 45.55) and the line VI – Mecca (azimuth 135.56).

The following fact in itself can serve as proof of the existence of a certain system in the location of the most famous buildings of antiquity. The fact that the lines – Great Circle – Easter Island – Stonehenge and Teotihuacan – Tiwanaku are symmetric with respect to each other and thus are the diagonals of a rectangle 3660 x 3220 km (2000 miles), formed by latitude and meridians of Teotihuacan and Tiwanaku.

ancient geodetic system

This reveals another very interesting point. It turns out the breadth of the Great Pyramid (29 ° 58’44 .77 “N) above the latitude of Teotihuacan (19 ° 41’58 .45” N) at 10 degrees, as well as the latitude of Easter Island (27 ° 7’16 .41 “S) above the latitude of Tiwanaku (16 ° 33 ’17 .29 “S), for the same 10 degrees. Since the lines are symmetrical, and the distance between the same latitudes, the lines are the diagonals of two squares formed by the GP latitude, Teotihuacan, Tiwanaku, Easter Island and the meridians of the Teotihuacan and Easter Island. This interposition of the five most famous and significant buildings of antiquity can not be accidental, especially against the background of other laws relating these objects.

Another striking feature is the close values ??of the azimuths of the lines connecting some well-known historical sites. For example, the azimuth of the line GP – Stonehenge is 320.48 degrees, and azimuth of the line of Tiwanaku – Teotihuacan is 319.55 degrees. This means that viewed from the Great Pyramid to Stonehenge, it is still much to look at the pyramids of Teotihuacan, Tiwanaku. At about the same angle can be seen in the direction of Stonehenge, standing on Uluru – the azimuth of 318.62 *. Azimuth directions of Easter Island to Giza and Stonehenge in almost all the same and equal to 264.72 and 264.82 degrees, respectively. This is explained by the difference of latitude of Stonehenge and the GP and the spherical shape of the Earth, but to explain this relative position of the three most famous buildings of antiquity mere coincidence seems to be very difficult. In addition to the value 264* close to the direction of a few lines. Because of the Tiwanaku to Nan Madol – 263.82*, from Mohenjo-daro to the Mecca – 263.31*, from Baalbek in the Tiwanaku – 263.93*.

Within one degree different azimuths of lines GP – Teotihuacan (309.47 *) and Nan Madol – GP (308.99 *). Azimuth of the line GP – Uluru is 108.23 degrees, about the same from Stonehenge to Baalbek (107.20 *), from Stonehenge to Teotihuacán (287.85 * = 107.85 * + 180 *), of Nan Madol in Lalibela (287.20 * = 107.20 * + 180 * ) from Baalbek to Uluru (109.13 *) from Uluru to Mecca (289.07 * = 109.07 * + 180 *), from Port Bazhyn at Nan Madol (108.89 *), from Angkor to Mecca (287.29 * = 107.29 * + 180 * .) And it’s not all close to the azimuth.

In this review article devoted to the lines of the great circles are shown, and are just a few regularities in the distribution of historical objects, which is actually much more. Their careful study, organize, and search for principles of the system – in the future. But so far, the theory of paleocontacts and existence of the ancient planetary advanced civilization first real evidence to get the most incredible part. It seems that the famous pre-historic buildings are part of the ancient geodetic or navigation system, in which the pyramids and temples, along with other functions, serve as landmarks and reference points clearly visible even from space.

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