Теотиуакан система пирамид, Тиуанако Стоунхендж, Гиза Великая пирамида меридиан широта линии леи древняя система, остров Пасхи долгота симметрия пирамид, загадки расположения мегалитов Баальбек пентаграмма гексаграмма азимут.

Two years ago, in an article about the lines connecting the most mysterious structures on Earth, we told about a very interesting combination, which is formed by the line connecting Teotihuacan with Tiwanaku (T-T) and Easter Island with Stonehenge (EI-S).

If we draw meridians and latitudes of Teotihuacan and Tiwanaku, we will obtain a convex rectangle on the planet’s surface, in the angles of which will be above-mentioned objects, and the line joining them will be a diagonal, respectively. It’s all natural. But, if you draw a line connecting the Easter Island with Stonehenge, it will be the second diagonal of the same convex rectangle. But,this should not be.

Moreover, diagonals of a large rectangle are diagonals of two small ones (left side), formed with meridian of Easter Island (EI), its latitude and latitude of Great Pyramid (GP). This means that latitude of EI differs from latitude of Tiwanaku, just as much as latitude of GP differs from latitude of Teotihuacan. Accuracy is 30 km, or 0.27°. Between the latitudes of GP and Teotihuacan – 1145 km, between the latitudes of Tiwanaku and EI – 1175 km.

Herewith the angle between the meridians of Tiwanaku and Teotihuacan is 30 degrees with an accuracy of + 0.17°. And if you count from meridian of GP to the West, the meridians of Tiwanaku and Teotihuacan will be respectively 100th and 130th meridian. Therefore, all is tied to GP.
This is such a wonderful “random” combination, combining 5 the most mysterious megalithic structures on the Earth. But, this is only beginning.

Теотиуакан система пирамид, Тиуанако Стоунхендж, Гиза Великая пирамида меридиан широта линии леи древняя система, остров Пасхи долгота симметрия пирамид, загадки расположения мегалитов Баальбек пентаграмма гексаграмма азимут.In another article “GEODESY OF MERIDIANS“, taking  meridian of the Great Pyramid (GP) for  zero meridian of the planet and dividing from it equator by 5 degrees, we found that meridians of Tiwanaku and Teotihuacan in fact coincide with the 100-th and 130-th meridians, if to count to the West from meridian of GP, as it mentioned above.Thus, the angle between the meridians of Teotihuacan and Tiwanaku is 30 degrees. Accordingly, the point of intersection of two lines divide this angle in half, and lies on 115   meridian to the West from GP.

Meridian of Easter Island (EI), is also close to the 10-degree division, and passes in 50 km from 140th meridian to the West from GP. Therefore, the angle between the meridians of EI and Teotihuacan is very close to 10 degrees and is 10.5 °.
Since latitudes of Tiwanaku and Teotihuacan are not symmetrical relatively to the equator, the point of intersection of the lines lies a bit to the north from it. And so till all system is symmetrical only relatively to a meridian of GP + 115° W.

Besides, you can clearly see on the image that the lines T-T and EI-S in the northern hemisphere intersect with 40th latitude on meridians of GP + 155° W and GP+ 75° W, i.e. between the intersections in 80°, or 2 x 40°. And a line of T-T, crosses the latitude of Easter Island on the meridian perpendicular to the meridian of GP, i.e. on the meridian of the GP + 90°.

Теотиуакан система пирамид, Тиуанако Стоунхендж, Гиза Великая пирамида меридиан широта линии леи древняя система, остров Пасхи долгота симметрия пирамид, загадки расположения мегалитов Баальбек пентаграмма гексаграмма азимут.In order to make system symmetrical, in opposite hemispheres, we will draw latitudes corresponding latitudes of Tiwanaku and Teotihuacan, that .e. anti-latitudes of these objects.

Then, we will construct the lines “parallel” to starting, drawing them through the corresponding intersections of latitudes and meridians. These lines form a network which is symmetrical relatively to equator and the meridians which are multiple to 15 degrees. At that the line symmetrical to the line T-T, relatively to the equator also passes through Stonehenge.

Since  meridian of Baalbek differs from  meridian of GP on 5 degrees, and meridian  perpendicular it from meridian of Tiwanaku on 15° meridian of Baalbek,  is also part of this system and  multiply to 15°, is connected with meridians of Teotihuacan and Tiwanaku.

Meridian o Samaipata differs from meridian of Tiwanaku in the same way as the meridian of Baalbek differs from meridian of GP, i.e. on 5° of eastern longitude. And latitude of Samaipata has value – 18° 10′, and therefore divides its meridian according to pentagram. In the system, which we consider latitude of Samaipata lies between latitudes of Teotihuacan and Tiwanaku, passing through the intersection of lines identical to original. Therefore, we can say that all system is tied to equator and poles according to pentagram.

Теотиуакан система пирамид, Тиуанако Стоунхендж, Гиза Великая пирамида меридиан широта линии леи древняя система, остров Пасхи долгота симметрия пирамид, загадки расположения мегалитов Баальбек пентаграмма гексаграмма азимут.Slightly having changed of view angle, we will find that all the lines turned out to be inscribed in the latitude of Stonehenge. Thus, latitudes of all four initial objects are involved in given symmetric system, built from zero meridian of GP.

Теотиуакан система пирамид, Тиуанако Стоунхендж, Гиза Великая пирамида меридиан широта линии леи древняя система, остров Пасхи долгота симметрия пирамид, загадки расположения мегалитов Баальбек пентаграмма гексаграмма азимут.But, this are not all the laws connected with unique location of the most famous buildings on the planet.
Now join all the tops of initial convex rectangle with the point of Stonehenge i.e. draw the lines connecting Teotihuacan, Tiwanaku and Easter Island with Stonehenge.
Each of three lines passes through several intersections logically valid intersections with other latitudes and meridians, for displaying of which we will have to create a lot images. But, some laws we can see in this figure, on example of line Tiwanaku – Stonehenge. Other features connected with the passage of three lines through the nodal points of system you can see on an interactive map at the end of this page.

But, in this case, we are more interested in not crossing the lines but their location relatively to each other and globe.
Azimuth of line Teotihuacan – Stonehenge, in the point of Teotihuacan, according to Google Earth is 39.33°, i.e. almost 40°, and the distance is exactly 8800 km or 79.1° in angular terms. On Easter Island, the direction to Stonehenge is  44.57°, i.e. almost 45°, and in Tiwanaku, azimuth of Stonehenge is 35.2°. From Stonehenge to Tiwanaku are 9900 km or 89°. Thus, the distances from Stonehenge to Teotihuacan and Tiwanaku differ exactly on 10°, and azimuths on 15°.

Теотиуакан система пирамид, Тиуанако Стоунхендж, Гиза Великая пирамида меридиан широта линии леи древняя система, остров Пасхи долгота симметрия пирамид, загадки расположения мегалитов Баальбек пентаграмма гексаграмма азимут.In the point of Stonehenge angle between directions to Teotihuacan and the EI is 23° with an accuracy of 0.03 and the angle between directions to EI and Tiwanaku in Stonehenge is exactly 23°. Thus, lines of Stonehenge – Tiwanaku and Stonehenge – Teotihuacan are symmetric relatively to the line of Stonehenge – EI with accuracy up to 0.03.

But, the most interesting is that the angle between meridian of Tiwanaku and perpendicular to meridian of Stonehenge is also equal to 23°. This means that the angle between the real meridians of Tiwanaku and Stonehenge is 67 °.

In the north-west coast of Peru is a mysterious object called Chankillo. The construction is an artificial hill fortified with triple walls in several meters high.

Keeping a shape, walls surround two double circles and a rectangular building in the center of the hill. The north side of the complex is oriented along the north-south axis.


Historians really cannot say anything about the origin of Chankillo or his creators and by habit ascribe the construction to Incas, by what make their civilization more ancient and ancient. There are no any buildings in complex, not residential or religious. There are only walls and walkways.

But, researchers have found numerous Chankillo astronomical patterns connected with the construction. In addition, Chankillo is an excellent landmark, which is remarkably visible, even from the very high height. This property is likely the main purpose of the complex.
If you draw a line connecting Chankillo with Stonehenge, it will divide the angle 23°, between the lines of Stonehenge – EI and Stonehenge – Tiwanaku in half. Wherein the line connecting Chankillo with Tiwanaku will be perpendicular.
This fact suggests that the line Chankillo – Tiwanaku will be perpendicular also to all lines emerging from Stonehenge and parallel to its “equator” the exact position of which is shown  with  short yellow line on the image above.

As Tiwanaku lies almost midway between Stonehenge and its antipode, the line Tiwanaku – Chankillo passes in 1° «equator.”

ЧАНКИЛЛО ЛИНИИ ТИУАНАКО Теотиуакан система пирамид, Тиуанако Стоунхендж, Гиза Великая пирамида меридиан широта линии леи древняя система, остров Пасхи долгота симметрия пирамид, загадки расположения мегалитов Баальбек пентаграмма гексаграмма азимут. ЧАНКИЛЛО ТИУАНАКО ЛИНИЯ
It is interesting that in Tiwanaku lines intersecting at right angle intersect angles of the walls of two churches. A line of Stonehenge – Tiwanaku and passes through a corner of the temple in Puma Punku.

But, the most surprising, if we draw a line connecting Chankillo with Teotihuacan and Easter Island, these lines will also be perpendicular.

Thus, the so-called “ceremonial” Chankillo complex is located in one single point, for which it is possible realization of all above listed conditions.

Чагфортский каменный круг Теотиуакан система пирамид, Тиуанако Стоунхендж, Гиза Великая пирамида меридиан широта линии леи древняя система, остров Пасхи долгота симметрия пирамид, загадки расположения мегалитов Баальбек пентаграмма гексаграмма азимут.
Distance between EI and Stonehenge is 13 500 km, or 121° along the arc of the globe and the direction, as it was told, has a value 44.57°. If you draw a line from Easter Island with precise azimuth 45°, it will pass through  so-called Chagfortsky stone circle located in 155 km from Stonehenge. At the same time, the distance from platform Ahu Tahai on the Easter Island to this circle is 13 363 km, or exactly 120°. Thus, EI and Chagfortsky stone circle are located relatively to each other according to hexagram.

Such relative position of eight the most mysterious objects on the Earth is unique and cannot be accidental. If to assume that the pyramids and other megalithic structures on the planet are the ancient navigational landmarks, then such version may give answers to many questions connected with ancient monuments.

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