In this part we will consider directions to key objects of ancient monumental constructions system (SAMC), which can be constructed from the anchor points of main frame (see part 1) with the help of nonagon. |
The image below shows the anchor points to the east from zero meridian of Great Pyramid (GP). From a point with coordinates 30 °, 67.5 °, with an accuracy of 0.07 you can get the direction to Lalibela. With a little more accuracy – 0.25 ° the direction to Lalibela you can get also from the point of intersection equator with meridian of 67.5 °. From the intersection of equator with 45th meridian you can get two more directions to the St. Sophia in Istanbul and pyramids on an island of Mauritius. In the first case, the error is 0.13 °, in the second – 0.38 °. |
Let us go further to the east along equator. From a point with coordinates 0 °, 67.5 °, with an error of 0.09 you can get the direction to a mysterious pyramidal structure Gunung Padang on a island of Java. From the point of intersection of equator with perpendicular to meridian of GP using nonagon you can get two more directions to Uluru and megalithic complex in Japan – Park of Asuka. |
Now let us move to the anchor points (AT) of framework to the west from meridian of Great Pyramid. Let us start with Teotihuacan, which forms a unique combination with three anchor points. The first point is intersection of meridian 112.5 ° with equator with an accuracy of 0.03 a degree gives direction to Teotihuacan. The second point is Teotihuacan itself where this line is the reverse direction when you turn 9-gon on 3 ° counter-clockwise interacts with two other lines in the AT. |
Besides, in Teotihuacan, a line with an azimuth of 120 °, corresponding to hexagram, which we already considered in the 2nd part forms with the direction to the point of 0 °, 67.5 °, an angle equal to 20 °. I.e. corresponds to nonagon oriented to the cardinal. |
With the help of nonagon from the anchor point with coordinates 30 °, -135 °, with an accuracy of 0.17 ° you can get direction to Sacsayhuaman. |
From a point with coordinates 30 °, 157.5 °, with an accuracy of 0.05 nonagon gives direction to geoglyphs in the Nazca desert. Specifically on Cahuachi pyramid located on the plateau. |
In the point of -30 °, -90 °, with an error of 0.09 of a degree, with the help of a 9-gon it is possible to determine the direction to Machu Picchu. |
If the intersection of equator with meridian -115 °, which is part of 5 ° of a network to lay angle 220 ° then with an accuracy of 0.05 it will be a direction to Easter Island. |
If equator divide into 12 equal parts, we will get the meridians corresponding to hexagram. One of them will have a value of -150 °. If from intersection of this meridian with 30th latitude to lay the direction to Easter Island, it will differ from the direction to the south, even on 10 °. Reverse azimuth from Easter Island to this point is also equal to 10 °, with an error of 0.09 of a degree. |
If from the point with coordinates -30 °, 90 ° to lay direction 50 ° then with accuracy of 0.19 °, it will be the direction to Nan Madol. |
In the point of Nan Madol there are also directions to the anchor points, the angles between which corresponds to the angles of nonagon. |
One of the main points of SAMC is fortress Por Bazhyn also is tied to the main frame. If from Por Bazhyn build direction to the anchor point with coordinates 30 °, 90 °, it will differ from the direction to the east exactly on 40 °. |
The angle between the direction from Por Bazhyn to the points with coordinates of 0 °, 0 ° and 0 °, 22.5 ° is equal to 20 ° with an accuracy of 0.13 °. |
Let us consider another important point in the system – Rome, which has a mass of megalithic structures. As a point of measurement was selected Egyptian obelisk mounted on the square of St. Peter’s in Vatican. This point has a unique location and is connected with the main frame with several correct figures. |
If on the plane depict equator as straight line and in scale to lay directions to historical objects, the key point of the system, it will look as shown in the image below.
Download file .kmz for Google Earth program. |
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