Abnormal label.

 Abnormal label.In Omsk, around a stop «Wooden passage » satellite has marked an unusual label. They say that similar labels are established for targeting of ballistic missiles. According to an other version on a photo made of space the airfield of alien ship is represented. On August, 30th a group of Omsk researchers has gone to so an unusual place.

I twirl the photo received from the satellite . On it two equal circles, located one in another are clearly visible. In the centre of smaller of them there is a cross. All the composition by the form rather reminds a target in cross wire of sight. I feel, how in me curiosity inflames. But to find out what these «circles on water» are and to understand the cross nature it is necessary to go to this place.

– Here it is the bridge of 60 anniversary VLCSM name , it is Wooden passage , having spread out on a table the pictures made from space the director of Omsk planetarium and also researcher of the abnormal phenomena Vladimir Krupko shows. And it is bottomland of Irtysh. Here we will go.

The expedition structure included people of the most different specialities and social stratums. Geophysics and psychics, businessmen and students, psychologists, astronomers and tungusits (the people working on a place of falling of the Tungus meteorite, – author) 16 persons in total ,they appointed going out at six thirty in the evening, actually, started only around seven. To the Wooden passage reached by cars, further on foot. Or by swimming it is how who names because it was necessary to go knee-deep in water. And here and there up to the waist.

How to force the bog which has grown with canes without superfluous losses and cuts with sharp leaves? A question is difficult. Many, as well as I , will tell, that the best form for movement in water is a bathing suit. And will be mistaken. It is better to collect in garage rags rolling without business, to pull on yourself this “fighting” clothes and on feet old wear in sneakers. Approximately in a such suit businessman Vladimir Rybakov has gone to the abnormal zone. He says, that the best for a campaign on grown with cane bottomland you will not think up. Let it is not too beautiful, but it is very practical. Also you will not be cut, and your feet will pin with nothing.

 Abnormal label.*First “miracle”*

I shall remind, that to abnormal place it was planned to reach on foot, however, a boat has been taken. Rubber one just in case. This case appeared already in ten minutes in kind of channels with width of about semihundred metres. The first for speeding up of water barrier was Vladimir Krupko, as it is necessary for the commander of the group. Behind him was aforementioned namesake with surname Rybakov. He has made two steps aside and u-u-h, has fell up to… do not play about. «Not knowing ford do not put in water». Having recollected this popular wisdom we began to inflate the boat. Oh, ancient people were right speaking that a stock does not pull pocket. In that sense all is useful for the thrifty tourist. Especially if the way lays in abnormal zone.

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By the way, many participants of the expedition have felt its anomaly at once after the arrival. In particular, the device of satellite navigation has for a while failed, mobile phones of some researchers suddenly have hovered. But it happened a bit later and still it was necessary to forward. Considering, that expedition was populous, the boat was double, and the channel wide enough, time should be lose enough. Meanwhile hands of watches already steal up to figure eight. One hour or one and half and it will become dark. We decided to save on oarsmen in truth, half. That is the boat goes to one side of opposite bank with oars, and back it is pulled with long rope. And again it is loaded with two passengers one of which starts to row. Crossing time over a channel was reduced twice.

*Abnormal zone*

Having overcome canes and is worn out with the crossing, the expedition arrived to place. In the middle of a marshy place was a glade with an area over one and a half thousand square metres. Only this glade is underwater, the depth here is about twenty centimetres. It is inconveniently, of course, but both circles are available , those, that has photographed the satellite . Diameter of the bigger circles is 48 metres, smaller is only 26. In the centre of a small circle is a cross. And around the abnormal zone is the four-metre wall of cane and in these places do not grow neither cane nor grass. Why, it is not known. Certain anomaly Is available. The geophysicist the Roman Davidov takes samples of bottom ground, drilling to the half-metre depth. Then it is supposed to transfer these samples for the analysis to the experts of agrouniversity.

One more anomaly is soon found . The geographer, the programmer and simply enthusiast Tatyana Semenova notices with surprise that the water in these circles is warmer on 8-10 degrees than outside of both circles. Interestingly but not clearly. By the way, similar differences of temperatures are marked hardly by not all participants of the expedition. And the ground became more dense. If on road here soft silt sucked in feet ,in abnormal zone bottom is firm enough. Anyway, the step-ladder put directly in the water with the operator who set up on it does not want to sink . Impression is as if under silt something lays concrete or iron.

In the meantime Vladimir Krupko already attract attention of the researchers to one more curious fact. If to listen attentively to your sensations it is possible to feel underfoot vibration. «Within one Hertz», – the chief of group says and gets goniometer the device showing exact position of magnetic declination concerning a magnetic pole of the Earth. If to simplify it to the level of “teapots” goniometer is a compass, but superheaped up. And at present its pointer as if it is enraged. «The deviation on 25 degrees», is fixed by participants of the expedition. It is very big, directly huge jump who studied physics, knows. And the pointer deviates not anywhere but only in borders of circles and a cross .It is so-called effect of deviation. And if you step aside it will occupy former “normal” position again .

– Similar deviations meet in apartments with the poltergeist and other abnormal places Vladimir Krupko makes comments. For example, something similar we observed in the Moskalensky abnormal zone where peasants were afraid to go to the work. They said, that they are frightened with bright orange spheres flying by air. And so the pointer of compass in general turned there as mad and even tried to rise vertically.


Researchers collected a material late. Psychics were engaged with their site of work, scientific with their one. They have arrived home when was already dark. Here also it was found out that the abnormal zone has prepared for participants of the expedition one more unpleasant surprise. Videocamera of the operator, the teacher of Polytechnic University Paul Voronov has failed. When at home he began to look through the finished shooting material he has found out that both cartridges as if remagnetized . The image or vanished at all or appeared with fragmentary, cut pieces. And even the plots which have been written down till before departure of the expedition were spoilt. Paul has thought that, maybe, the videocamera has simply broken or cartridges were poor-quality. Also decided to check up it immediately, having written down on “spoilt” cartridges a new plot. Record has appeared normal, it means, with a videocamera everything was all right and with cartridges too. And it has suddenly appeared that old record on these cartridges starts to be restored little by little! And this process was stretched in time and went gradually.

In a network of the Internet an abnormal zone in bottomland of Irtysh they have already christened as a place of UFO landing . According to an other version here there is a label established for targeting of ballistic missiles. So it is or not so while it is rather early to speak .

However, already now it is possible to tell that we have faced with the phenomenon which nature while is unknown to us, summing up, Vladimir Krupko speaks. Also he suggests to organise a new expedition.



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